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Something to keep me motivated


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Possibly a false alarm, phew. I'll take some painkillers with me just incase.


I went on a ghost tour this evening. It was really cool. I went on one a few years ago, they only told two of the same stories again and there were lots of stories. Apparently practically every pub in the city is haunted.


Now to quickly get my stuff together for the party and go to bed. Night all.

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So turns I am on my period and I do have a cold. Doesn't bother me too much though as I had a good day. I visited my Nan and bought my Mum some flowers. I think sometimes people forget that's it's not just the one who's ill who suffers. My Nan seems good she's chatty and has a genuine smile on her face, I think she likes all the attention but my poor Mum is going to the hospital every day and is quite worried about what's going to happen.


I made myself some lemon and honey hot water for my throat it really helped I might have another. Early night for me tonight I didn't sleep much last night, I'll just read my book and watch TV as I'm crazy like that.

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My alarm didn't go off this morning so I got a lie-in. I was still on time for work though.


I went to see the Hobbit last night I was really good, though it was odd watching a film with no beginning or ending.


My ex was there. I didn't expect it at all I didn't think of him at all beforehand. My heart jumped when I saw him, though that could of had something to do with the fact he looked like an evil villain in a Disney film. No wonder I'm scared of him. Made me realise I'm happy single though, which is what I told my sister last week.

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Yeah I figured T wasn't going to be the one a while before it ended it just took me a while to build up the courage to end it.


My last lesson of karate until next year my backs getting sore again so I it's probably a good thing. I'm going to go swimming to see if that helps. I'm missing my next grading. Though the reason is that I'm in Japan so it's a decent one.


It's so nice to come back to a clean room. A new girl seems to have moved in there's stuff everywhere, I hope she's not too girly.

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I went to see Beauty and the Beast in Pantomime last night. It was amazing, it's completely my sense of humour, lame and poorly disguised crude jokes. I laughed so much. I gave R a lift. I really don't know why he accepted he obviously finds me weird and is scared of my driving (though to be fair I did scare him when I said it's weird driving without my glasses, I was wearing my contacts). I've started to feel really awkward around him. I also got lost on the way home and as a consequence lost an hours sleep.


Good news is I have a tidy room, all my ironing is done and I bought my last present, I'm picking it up tomorrow.


Hopefully I'll go straight to sleep tonight and have a MASSIVE lie-in Saturday!

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So I googled the place and it's further away than I thought.


Here's the view I get on my way to work.




When I got my phone out to take a picture of this guy he swam up to me, posed them swam away. The queen has him well trained!

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I've finished work until next year. current at my parents watching TV and occasionally coming up with ideas for the manga my sister wants to draw. The ideas come really easily but I get embarrassed about showing them to people. I don't mind showing it to my sister so much.


It's hard to believe this time last year I was bawling my eyes out trying to work up the courage to break up with T (I failed as Christmas is his favourite holiday). This year I'm sat at my parents happy and contemplating having a bath.

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So it's Boxing Day and I've just spent two nights at the parents it was nice but I'm glad I moved out. I got loads of nice presents and had a lovely day. We had our dinner really late because of my Dad being at work but we still managed to have a nice day watching Tangled. My Nan was allowed out of the hospital for a few hour so we went to visit her, I'm not sure if she was happy about being allowed out as my Uncle was in a really foul mood. He made my Nan walk from the car to the house and back again with little walks whilst she was there she was exhausted when she got back in the car. I think she was probably relieved to get back to hospital just for the peace and quiet.

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