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Something to keep me motivated


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I worked harder yesterday and I'm doing ok today.


My city got voted the 5th prettiest city in Europe by the USA.


I went out last night it was fun and I'm glad I went.


I've got a suspicion my friend is about to cancel on me, no surprise there.

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I'm feeling lonely. I don't like driving home a night I keep having to tell myself I'm safe before I can drive off. I feel like such a loser.


I went to see Catching Fire, I've read the books and I quite enjoyed it. I think I'm getting quite the crush on R.


I'm still undecided on the whole relationship thing, I'm not sure what I want out of one. I guess I'm still young. I think too much and I need more sleep.

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I feel better after some sleep. I may try and wake up early and take some photo's of the canal I walk along, when I get the train to work and it's really pretty at sunrise, thinking about it it's probably pretty at sunset which is about four at the moment.


I need to be productive today and find all my missing things. I'm going to see if I can find a new dress later. Not sure whether to have lunch in or out though. Should probably save the money. Besides I have pate to use up.

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My Nan's had another mini stroke (she had the last one quite a while ago). I've only just got my Mum's massage as my phone ran out of charge. My Mum's about to visit her now, she says she's fine but will know more in a hour. I'm worried.

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I've had a productive day today, I bought my dress.


I undecided on the socks.


Well actually I think I may get two.


Both are on sale. I was woken up at 7:20 today. My housemate woke me up a bit then in my dream the person sleeping beside me was stabbed, they let out a horrible scream so I couldn't get back to sleep.

It actually worked out quite well though because the shopping center I went to filled up fast. I went to my parents after and my Mum agreed with me about which dress to buy. My cars making a squeaking sound, my Dad said he'd come with me to a garage. I then went to the gym and then walked into town to buy my chosen dress. I made Chinese noodle soup for my dinner it was nice.

Now I need to clear my room and my legs ache. Doesn't matter though because this month looks really exciting and I have Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday off.

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Thanks Silver.


My thighs still hurt two days after the gym. Karate last night probably didn't help. I can see the improvement though so it's worth it.


My Mum has started buying things of my list I was going to post it here but I forgot. I might later if I remember. My parents liked it.

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My cars fixed! It was less than I thought it would be, £48 plus my Dad gave £20 towards it. I told him not to but he insisted. I also went to lunch with my parents, they'd been fighting but they kept it civil for me. I had a BBQ steak wrap, mmmm.


I like to do yoga at the gym sometimes or go swimming. My goal is to be able to run for 20 min without stopping. I'm not sure if I'll quit then or not.

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I just phoned my family to see how my Nan's doing. She's still in hospital but doing better. I'm going to visit her tomorrow. When I was saying goodbye to my sister my Dad started joining in then my Mum and they were all shouting "Bye Booaay!" down the phone. Things like that make me feel happy and loved. If your wondering my nickname is Boo from my family and my childhood friends who know my parents call me that. I've never been embarrassed of my nickname I actually use it as my screenname sometimes because it makes me feel loved. My middle sister K hated hers for a while as a teenager but we didn't stop calling it her so she got over it. My other sister J has millions of nicknames and answers to pretty much anything.


I feel really tired I can't wait to get a good nights sleep. I want to tidy my room a bit and wrap some presents first though.

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I just can't be bothered lately I just want lie about eating biscuits and surfing the internet. I just feel so frustrated with life at the moment. I'm currently re-writing my CV. I hate listing my skills I can do it in person no problem but on paper I'm not so good. Plus I've noticed when I speak I don't necessarily use the words I meant to which is frustrating. I just want to get away from everything sometimes and start fresh. Maybe meet someone who doesn't confuse the hell out of me. I'm so tired and hungover which isn't helping.

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I graded tonight, I'm now a purple belt and my sisters an orange belt. I think I did better this time, though I guess your supposed to get better each time you grade.


I'm addicted to the show Girls, it's amazing.


I've eaten the equivalent of a loaf of bread today. That cannot be good for me. I need to write about something in my personal diary I feel to stupid putting it on here. I need advise but I'm scared to get it. For now I'll practice my skills in avoidance and procrastination.


On a happier note my Nanny is slowly improving. I'm seeing my Nanna tomorrow, We're going to a really fancy restaurant we went to for her birthday in April. I think that was the last time I saw her. She's not really a family person. It'll be the first time she'll see me car, she gave me £1500 towards it, I was blown away when I got that cheque. I think my Dad was as well.


Still recovering from the party on Saturday, I need more sleep.

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Got home after a bad day all ready to flop on my bed and maybe have a temper tantrum, when I heard my housemates chatting. So I wandered in and got a chocolate within a couple of minutes without saying anything! Maybe there is such a thing as men's intuition. I like my male housemates they're funny, chatty and helpful.


I started to learn my new kata today the end's really hard, it's going to take me a while to master but I have three months.


I'm going to try and have an early night tonight so I better get cracking.... or sleeping.

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