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Something to keep me motivated


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It's red and dry, I think it's the shower being to hot and stress. I'm combatting it though lots of moisturiser.


I was alone today, so I changed the radio to BBC 1. I nearly observed the whole minutes silence until the receptionist phoned me. I've never known a military person but that doesn't mean I don't appreciate what they do. I forgot about the ceremony yesterday I always do unless the 11th falls on the Sunday. I always feel guilty about throwing away my poppy. My Nan said when she lived with her parents they used to stick them in a photo frame of her Uncle who fought and died in the war. I think that's really nice.


I had my most expensive shop for a while, I was stocking up on stuff though so not too bad plus I managed to spend under £10 last week so it balances out. I quite like saving money by buying cheap groceries. How sad am I.

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I think not I'm starting to eat normally my stomachs going back to normal which is good.


My friends really annoying me, she's picking her boyfriend over us. She cancelled on us half the time before she met him, now it's all the time and when we see her it's like she's making a massive sacrifice for us. I can't see how we're going to make it through three weeks in Japan. I hope she doesn't try and invite him because not only will I be a third wheel but it will bump my costs up because I'll have to have a separate room. Know I'm being selfish but this is a dream of mine and I don't want it ruined.


I also need to trim down my hobbies it's getting ridiculous.

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We were having a discussion at work today, I disagreed with my co-worker. It didn't become an argument or even close, when I mentioned my point she just talked over me. She's loud and has worked there for while and everyone comes to her, she's a bit like a queen bee. None of that bothers me though. What bothers me is how I reacted to it, I let her talk over me, pretty much made it seem like I'd changed my mind about it, and at the end I felt my eyes ing, not welling up but if it lasted much longer they probably would have. I'm a bit better than a few years ago I would have had to excuse myself to stop myself welling up. I really wish I was stronger. But I always cry at conflict and I can't stop it as much as it embarrasses me. It was really bad with T (my ex) I couldn't have a proper argument with him, because we both felt so uncomfortable. That led to us not communicating and the end of our relationship, well one of the many factors. I really don't want to happen again.

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Not my morning today, i didn't sleep well hence leaving late and having to run (literally) for the train. I forgot it was dress down today for children in need so I'm now formal and sweaty and to top it off in not sure if I've remembered to bring a shirt for the gym, I'm not going to check on the train in case I drop everything.

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After being so worried about money, I've managed to put £100 back into my savings and still have £150 left over. Payday is Thursday so I think I'll do my Christmas shopping. I only need to buy for my family. My friends and I go out for a meal as we don't get to see each other often and would rather use the money on spending time together. I'm not sure if any other friends will want to buy for me if they do I'm sure I can fit in a last minute purchase. I think I'll treat myself to lunch today, probably a boots meal deal, I keep wanting to go to Nandos but I don't like going alone, I might change my mind see how lonely I am / money I spend.

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I been thinking about things to post but I've been really tired lately. So I'll tell you about my tattoo.




As you may have noticed it's a peacock butterfly. It's on my left hip. I've always wanted a tattoo.


When I left school I had no idea what I wanted to do, to be honest I wanted to stay in school but I had no idea what to study, so I left. I went onto job seekers allowance. I purposefully messed up job applications because I wasn't ready to work. I started studying a course at home but I wasn't really motivated. One day I went to a volunteer fair and I started volunteering for a charity that did work around the canals. It made me gain a lot of the confidence I lost through years of bullying, I learnt to trust more (though I still struggle). One of the projects I worked on was a butterfly project, we coppiced trees and plants flowers to encourage butterflies to the area. The peacock butterfly is one we saw. We presented the project to a couple of groups and it gave me enough confidence and things to talk about that I landed my first job. I owe so much to that charity, it closed because of the recession but their work is still being carried on a group they started working with before they ran out of money.


I normally just tell people about the butterfly project but I thought it was appropriate to share the whole story here.

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Congrats on your savings! I like the tattoo CC.


Thanks Silver. This not spending money thing isn't as hard as I thought. I managed to save £60 this month and I hope to up that after Christmas and I'm hoping the longer I live with my new budget the better I'll be with it which is a load off my mind.

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I felt lonely so I phoned my Mum, I feel much better now.


I went shopping today, I want a dress for my Christmas parties but I can't find one. I did buy some sports bras and a swimming costume so it wasn't a total waste.


I went the gym I wasn't there long I had a headache then I started getting muscle cramps and dizzy. I've taken two out of date ibrobufen(sp) and it seem to have calmed down. I need to buy painkillers and Sellotape. I keep forgetting to at this rate I'm going to be wrapping presents in parcel tape.

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You need to be very careful about exercising while taking Ibruprofen. It makes you so much more prone to having an injury or making existing injuries worse because it masks pain. Pain is telling you something. Likely that you have overworked part of your body or are stressed and need to rest. This is exactly how even famous racehorses have come to a horrific end - being given anti-inflammatories and continuing to train and race.


It sounds also that you may have been deydrated.

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I took the pain killers when I got home. When I started to get dizzy I knew it was time to leave. I thought it might be dehydration as well, I've started drinking less than I used to especially at work. I need to motivate myself to drink more. I make sure to keep hydrate whilst I exercise but I need to make sure I'm hydrated before as well.


I made a yummy casserole tonight, I made enough for Tuesday as well so I can eat earlier. I put some quorn in it which went well. I like winging it on meals. It's certainly cheered me up.

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Warning I'm about to have a moan.


Woke up by my housemate again. Got to work and found the collar on my shirt has broken.


I'm finding really hard to get motivated at work I really would like to leave, I can't wait to start looking for a job in the new year.

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