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It is this coming Sunday.


Ahh so they're only a week behind, do you have daylight saving time or as we call it "British summer time" in Canada?


I had a great time out tonight. I'm so glad I joined a social club it's helped me talk to strangers so much. I ended up on the rowdy table on my own my 2 colleagues abandoned me on the other table! But my social skills and two glasses of wine got me thought it. My manager did check up on me a couple of times but we were all having fun, he said I did well.

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It's getting dark and cold here really quickly.


I had the busiest day today, I had to do do three peoples jobs! I'm shattered luckily it started to calm down in the afternoon. I'm now further behind work than when I got in this morning. I feel a bit sorry for my colleague she's had a longer day than me and it's probably been really boring.


I'm hosting my first event for the social on Saturday, I already have two people attending. I should really go to club night tonight but I'm shattered. They have my number. I'm going to hear scary stories on Friday. I had to cancel on my friend as she changed the date and I was busy she hasn't spoken to me since.


They let me write in chocolate at Cadbury World.



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Not one trick or greater, after I bought sweets too!


R just sent me this message: I will be joining you to watch the fireworks on Saturday evening.

I just can't see it getting any better with him.


I can now run two minutes and walk one, massive improvement for me.

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Not one trick or greater, after I bought sweets too!


R just sent me this message: I will be joining you to watch the fireworks on Saturday evening.

I just can't see it getting any better with him.


I can now run two minutes and walk one, massive improvement for me.

I am waiting for my little trick or treaters.

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It's quite big over here, I always went trick or treating as a kid. I know going round asking for sweets is quite new and came over from America but Halloween actually originated in Britain.


I read about it on the BBC: link removed


I knew it came from Britain but I thought it was pagans gathering at stonehenge to speak to the dead (who knows maybe it was).


I found this interesting: 'Eating in general was an important component of Halloween as it is with many holidays. The most distinctive was "souling" or "soul-caking", in which children went from house to house singing rhymes and saying prayers for the souls of the dead. The soul cakes they received in return were good luck and represented a soul being freed from purgatory.'


Anyway we have bonfire night which is much better.

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It's quite big over here, I always went trick or treating as a kid. I know going round asking for sweets is quite new and came over from America but Halloween actually originated in Britain.


I read about it on the BBC: link removed


I knew it came from Britain but I thought it was pagans gathering at stonehenge to speak to the dead (who knows maybe it was).


I found this interesting: 'Eating in general was an important component of Halloween as it is with many holidays. The most distinctive was "souling" or "soul-caking", in which children went from house to house singing rhymes and saying prayers for the souls of the dead. The soul cakes they received in return were good luck and represented a soul being freed from purgatory.'


Anyway we have bonfire night which is much better.

Yes the historical significance is from the UK. But then my in-laws are several generations older than you. So it was probably just not big back when they were kids.

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I'm going out to listen to ghost stories tonight, I'm shattered though so I hope I lie-in tomorrow.


I just bought my first ticket for the national lottery, hey you never know.


I'm glad it's Friday work has been tiring this week.


A is going to my event tomorrow, I hope it doesn't get rained off!

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I have got six people for my event now. Unfortunately it set to rain all evening though, hopefully it will still be on as I love fireworks.


I went to hear some gothic readings last night it it was really fun, I saved the list so I could put some on goodreads I'm tempted to join the library as it's free.

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Paean, Frankenstein, Dracula, Edgar Allan Po etc. I really enjoyed it.


My event was a success I found that A is an anime fan too, why can't he like me.


I didn't talk to R tonight, but I did talk to another A though his stands for annoying, I found it hard to get away from him.


I got a balloon from a clown (who my housemate later told me was a drug dealer) it was supposed to be a flower but the wind whipped the head off a few doors from my house. It's really windy tonight.


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hmm I just done a budget planner and apparently. I'm going to spent £200 more than I earn a month, though that includes saving £100 a month (obviously won't happen). I know somethings I could cut out but some of them I don't want to. I'm going to go through my bank account this month and see what I have been spending so I can see more clearly what I can cut out.

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I started my food diary to see what was affecting my stomach seems to be fatty foods, alcohol and stress. Guess what I've been eating. no wonder I've out on half a stone.


I was on reception today and I had to call A down, he spend a bit of extra time down in reception talking to me I was like a giddy little school girl. Which was good because I'd been feeling down.

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I caught the train today, its raining but my coat kept me dry and i wore a dress so my tights dried quickly.


I just had my work photo redone I'm not sure it's any better she took it from an angle that emphasizes my chin. Hopefully it's better than my last one.

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I ate way to much dinner.


I'm currently figuring out plans with my friends I thought I was seeing all of them but it turns out they're coming down different weeks, at least I get to see them.


I'm feeling tired and moody I need more sleep and to be more productive I feel like I'm wasting my life.


I can't wait to get a new job this new one is requiring I work longer which isn't fair since they pay me the least, I hate being pressured into things.

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I had an amazing sleep on Tuesday night. So I felt awake enough to go to the pub Wednesday night. I'm not sure if I regret it or not. I was speaking to R most of the time, he seems to be really interested in me. But another guy, he's middle aged and doesn't know when to shut up, really embarrassed me. Last time I'd spoken to him he was telling me that statistically I'd slept around and had lost my virginity at 14. I really wanted to shout at him you know nothing about me. I've slept with one guy when I was 20 - 21.


Anyway end of lunch I'll rant more about him later.

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Me too.


Well last night he came up to me while R went to the loo and started telling me to tickle the foxes tail don't grab it (in reference to R). I told him I got the metaphor but he decided to explain it anyway, I tried to ignore him.


Then later he was inviting people over to another pub, R said he couldn't go because he had to catch a bus, I had to catch the same bus and when I said that he started saying "Oh well if it's like that, well I won't get in the way."


That's not the worst though, when he was leaving, with R standing behind me talking to someone else and me talking to another guy. He tried to shake my hand and wish me luck with R and that he was a great guy, very loudly. The guy I was with was like "what's he talking about?" I was there waving my ams saying "Nothing! He's drunk! He doesn't know what he talking about!" At this point he realised he'd probably gone to far, so he decided to grab the guy who I was talking to and say he was a great guy too as if that would help.


R was acting a bit odd when we went to the bus stop after the pub. He still won't sit next to me on the bus though this time he did hesitate. He seemed sad about not seeing me for 2 weeks. I think he's too shy to ask me out, I'm not sure if I'm brave enough either. There's nothing going on the weekend after next in the social club maybe I should try and discreetly ask if he's free. I think I have a conversation starter. It's sad how much I'm thinking this through.....sigh.

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I've had quite a good weekend. I went to the Doki Doki festival yesterday which is about Japanese culture. It was really interesting. I bought some cool things too and got loads of business cards for craft ideas.


I went the zoo for a few hours to day my friend cancelled on us last minutes, apparently her Mum wanted her to help with the cleaning, so it was just me and my other friend it was good though I got to see the red pandas being fed. They were so cute!


My friend who cancelled was supposed to go with me yesterday (I took my sister instead), I'm learning not to make plans with her, especially ones that don't involve other people as she cancels most of the time. She turns up if it was her idea and something she really wants to do, but with four of us with different interests you have to compromise sometimes. It's sad really.

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