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Something to keep me motivated


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Well after standing an hour failing to get the software I bought to work, I went on a free website and studied there. I only does words not sentences but as I have now vocab at the moment worth a go I spent an hour on there. I'm hoping to try and study daily from now on, even if it's just 10 mins. If I lack motivation I just need to think of my holiday.

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Three nights of good sleep. I feel good enough to go the gym. I studied for 45 min last night. I need to find something that helps with sentence structure, though learning words is good for now I need to be able to put them into sentences.


No karate next week. I'm thinking of taking a day off work to go to the Cadbury factory, who doesn't love chocolate!


I'm taking my sister to the doki doki festival too, since my friend dropped out. I bought the tickets last night and my sister said she'd pay her train fair and hopefully my Mum will give her some spending money. I really want to cosplay but I think I've left it to late. I might buy some stuff so I can next time though.


Hopefully I'll get to see my Nan this weekend I didn't last week because she was still weak after her operation.

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I need a coat, all I have is my cape coat which while very lovely doesn't keep me warm, I also need a new bag if I want to wear it since it has no sleeves! I really want this one: link removed but that's not really practical either. Everywhere is having their mid-season sale so hopefully I'll pick up a new dress for the party on Saturday.


I wore a dress today that finally fits well I say fits it's really tight around the bust, I can't take a deep breath in it. I really don't know why girls get boob jobs, I mean there great for hiding a not so flat stomach but unless I wear something tight (which makes men stare at me) I just look and feel fat. Also dresses not fitting and them jumping around when I work out isn't too great either I really hope they don't grow anymore, I've heard they can grow until your 28!


Thank God for auto restore.

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Quiet Friday night in. I bought a dress for the party tomorrow. It's a bit low cut and I think my boobs might make me look fat in it. I'm taking it round to my Mum's tomorrow to see if she can take the padding out of it, I really don't need it.


I was telling my colleague at work about a guy who I think likes me but he seems so innocent, but she said so am I. I was like but I have a really crude sense of humour that has no limits (I'm really not exaggerating). She said she would never have guessed that and I never know he might have too. It's made me think twice about him and I might try and talk to him a bit more tomorrow, maybe I can get him drunk, haha.


I love living in the city, I knew I would. I'm a 15 minute walk away so great for shopping and nightlife (I'm terrified of taxis), and I live far enough out so parking is free and it's easy to escape town with out getting stuck in traffic. I need to charge my phone tomorrow because I'm not sure how to get from the gym to the supermarket. Well I might have an idea but it's not worth the risk!

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My housemate bought a girl back last night, I was jealous she was getting laid for a second but then it only lasted for a few minutes so I felt sorry for and started remembering the many reasons why I don't have one night stands. O_o

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Productive few hours been the gym, bought a coat, changed my address at the bank and set up a standing order to pay the rent, found out I'd been paid ( and done the food shopping.


Now off to the parents.


I love the fact some of my house mates get up early on a Saturday makes me feel better about staying in instead of partying.

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I'm going to Casbury world tomorrow!


I need to buy so many things I'm not sure I can afford them all. I definitely need a new swimming costume, it's really baggy and starting to get see through. O_o


I'm really loving cooking for myself. I need to start looking up more recipes though before I go the shops.

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Ive been feeling the urge to cry the last month or two but I've never really been in a suitable place to let it out and by the time I am I've forgotten about it. I'm not sure why this happens. Part of me thinks it's because I haven't cried in quite a while and I'm not used to it. I started crying gradually more and more when I was with my ex, when it got to almost daily is around when I ended it. Before I met him I used to cry twice a year.


It's odd I feel so much more in tune with my emotions since I've had a relationship. I think I must still be getting used to them.

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I had fun at Cadbury World, I got three bars of chocolate and two cups of melted chocolate one with marshmallows in. It was nice to go on a family trip even if only half of us went.


I went out last night I've completely given up on A. I'm starting to want R to like me but he's so reserved I really don't know what to do. I also started telling him how I want a fish so it won't look as strange when I talk to myself, I know way to flirt. He asked me for a lift to the cinema so my company can't be that bad right? I hate feelings.


I finally got to put some clothes in the washing machine... Now to get them in the tumble dryer.


Oh yeah, now I've seen two of my male housemates in their underwear.

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I went to see Captain Philips, one of my worst irrational fears is being kidnapped so it kind of shook me up a bit. R insisted that his sister take him home so I drove home listening to my iPod and with the window open, luckily it wasn't too cold and I had my winter coat on.


I'm really sore from all the lunges and squats I'm having to do.

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I've felt very lazy today, really couldn't be bothered going to the gym. I ate a crunchy and half a bar of chocolate instead.


I did walk into town though. It took me until 4:00pm to get out of the house, I made up excuses as I was doing my washing. I wiped down the kitchen surfaces as well, I didn't realise they were that dirty!


I was cooking my dinner and I forgot that I turned the oven up and burnt my potato wedges. When I opened the oven I set all the fire alarms off. I may do it again though as my house mate came running down without his shirt on, he looked very good.

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This guy has started messaging me again. I'm assuming because I'm single again, he stopped when I wasn't. He asked if we could meet up but I said I was busy because I am and also he rites lyk dis and no way am I putting up with that.


As I mentioned I'm really busy so off I go for a work dinner, hey at least it's free food, after Monday I'm probably going to be broke.

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