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Caught between sickness, new job and travelling overseas.


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Ok so here is my situation. I have been at my

current job for almost 2 years. Unfortunately

I not been happy since the first day. IN April

of this year I was diagnosed with a chronic hepatitis b disease.

Throughout most of this year I have been on

treatment with some very nasty side-effects.

Now during the time when I was sick my work did

not show me any remorse, I was just pushed to work

harder and harder. So I made a decision that next

year in March 2005 I am going overseas to do

some travelling. But now I have got a really good

job offer. But the thing is if I leave my current

job, I will loose my medical aid and will have

to pay for my medication myself. Also is it

worth taking this new job for 3-4 months and

then just quitting when I want to move overseas?

The problem is also is that I might have to

stay here a bit longer to recover from my illness

because the doctors cannot tell me yet if the

treatment has worked. The results are looking

good at the moment but I have not been cured yet.

Some advice on this matter will be greatly appreciated.


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Furthermore it isn't worth risking having a new job for 3-4 four months, then the payment should really be good and also able to cover your med expenses... but I think you should stick to your current job, and perhaps wait traveling until you get the results confirmed...

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i think as well that you should stick at your current job but ask them to go a bit easier on you because you are not well at the moment.

but if the new job pays you enough money so you can afford the medical treatment then go for it.

and as far as the travel is concerned dont even think about it until you get your results back.

Catie xxx

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