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Secretive relationships


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My first "try to be serious relationship" was a secret from my family.


No one really knew. My twin would've felt jealous or "left behind." My dad would've thought i was sneaking her i the house for sex. My mom would've tracked her down and killed her (exaggerating).


It lasted a little over a year.


I'm glad they never knew. She wasn't worth knowing any of my family members.

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I kept my relationship secretive from my family for a while. I thought they'll flip if they know he's not Chinese... turns out they don't even care so I felt stupid.



I hid him from my friends for a while too because I know their jaws will drop if they find out. "WHAT!?!?!? YOU got a boyfriend?" They always thought of me as the type that'll end up single forever. I just didn't care for a relationship. (Still don't, but he's worth my time.) Well, I didn't keep him away from them for long either. He found out my friends were having a party and said, "Oh, let's go to the party." I couldn't stop him since we had no other plans anyways. They like him though. =)

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My cousin and his girlfriend were in a "secretive relationship" from her family. Her family is mormon, and they didn't believe in her dating, plus the fact that he was mexican didn't help things either. They kept it a secret from her family for over a year, then one day she said she was moving out and her boyfriend will be there to pick her up. That was the first time they met, and although they disagreed with the situation, they weren't that mean or anything to him. There still together, and have been living together for another year or so.

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