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Walking into people


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Hey, I havn't posted a topic in ages, but heres something thats got me questioning my own advice:


OK, I know that when girls have crushes on you they sometimes walk into you and stuff (or brush against you or whatever).

However, recently an event made me jog my memory back to a time when this girl had a crush on me, and it made me see a connection between the two.

I was walking around the school corridors, and I noticied some girls walking at me, and they basically didn't move enough for me to get past, so I had no choice but to literally brace for inpact. This happens sometimes, and I usually think that its just girls being standoffish or something.

However this one time I happened to be thinking of an ex, when they walked into me, and remembered ex's doing stuff like that in the past, but because they liked me. I failed to see the connection before, because I gathered the walking into you thing was for crushes and not light flirting, but I don't know now. Maybe it is light flirting, and I was kind of wrong about it before?

I now think that either that these girls might possible be fliritng or something, or I was right before and there is no connection, its just a coincidance and one action can mean two opposite things (I guess like staring for attraction and staring for a fight).

Your input is welcome plz, especially from females who do this kind of thing.

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I think you might be right, but I would not want to go and do anything based on one signal like this. But, it may be a signal that you should be looking for other signals.


If you think something with one of these girls might be good, send some signals there way, and see what they send to you.


Most of the body language books I've read say that you should look for multiple signals given together, at once or close in time, referred to as clusters. And you should look for multiple clusters.


Also remember, there is usually, not always, a progression. The amount of eye contact increases, there is more bumping into each other, etc. as signals are exchanged.

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i remember i used to work with a girl, and she kept on bumping into me and brushed against me all the time. come to think of it, she must've been quite good at it. she always pulled off a nice light brush against me with a giggle and went "oh, sorry". i mean, i think if i tried to do that (not that i would, being a guy and all) i think i would probably bump quite hard into whoever i did it to.


but yes, it is light, but quite effective flirting usually.

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Thanks for the input.


Dont worry Beec, i'm only asking so I can give advice to others in the future, and to increase my knowledge. Believe me mate, I have learnt alot about flirting etc over the years I have been here, and I know usually what to look for . I simply wish to see if this is flirting or not. I separate flirting into different sections (ie, passing on street flirting, party flirting, work flirting, friend flirting, crush flirting etc), and as I said, I usually put these kind of action in the crush flirting section, but i'm thinking it could be put in any section, including passing on street section.

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