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good thing I did or not.....


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well like i've said before the girl that I like(we're just friends,but hoping for more someday) is away at college and I haven't been doing the best of jobs giving her space(she hasn't come out and said she needs space but I should just assume it with everything going on),that she's going thru the pressures of college right now with heavy homework every night. well last night I didn't expect any response which she didn't. I sent her a message trying to ease it some for her...


"I just wanted to say something . I'll admit, I haven't done the best of jobs here with giving you space by my IMs here and there..but sometimes I can't help it that I love talking to you. I understand that you're a really busy person so me bugging you is probably the last thing you need right now haha"


do you think I did a sweet caring thing right there? I don't know what she's fully thinking over there but i'd hate that thought of her being unhappy about anything.

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