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Well just ignoring her will make you look like an ass, and I'm guessing your in HS, so things will go sour fast if that happens. I tried that with an ex of mine back in HS, and then a couple weeks later I was walking through the hallway and she came up to me and slapped me, saying that I was a jerk and was acting like a child. Ignoring someone does make you look like a child, and it will give her the clue that you are still not over her, and that she still has a presense in her life. If you really want her to get the hint, do the opposite. Say hi to her, give her a wave and walk away. If she comes up to talk to you, start talking about how great things are in your life, and mention some new girl you met (if it's true, don't make it up). Make her realize that you feel so much better now that your out of the relationship with her, and she'll realize that you don't really care if she is or isn't in your life (even though you don't want her there at all). It's all abou mind games when your in HS, and most girls are better at it than most guys, but if you understand that you can be the bigger person and still be civil about it, then she will get the point pretty quick.

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