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not an original topic but I work with my ex at a language school in Europe. Our relationship was always rocky. She tended to break up with me and then call me weeks later full of apologies. She did this eight times and I came back every time. After the last time she began a relationship with an old friend of hers (and I mean that in every sense of the word). She'd always had older boyfriends. We are both 36 but she had routinely dated men in their mid-fifties because she 'wanted someone who was in a position to take care of her'. So, of course I was a chump for going back to her. I'm interested in practical advice. I need to get over her and move on and working with her makes it twice as difficult. Every time I see her I get upset. Any miracle strategy?

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just hang in there man i know its not the same as you but i go to school with my ex i see her everyday and she pretends she never met me. Just act the same way back, if u ever feel yourself wanting to appologize or somethin stay strong and think of how she doesnt deserve you. There is other people out there i didnt think i would ever get over her but a couple weeks after im fine and can say she doesnt deserve me, a lot of the times i can actually find she never even tried as hard as me.



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I don't think there is any miracle strategy. I have to still live in the same home with my ex until we can both find separate places. It feels like my heart will rip each time I drive up to the house and every time I see him I want to die. I wish so badly that he would change his mind.


It is really, really hard to see the person who caused you so much pain because it opens up the wound all over again. If you can change jobs somehow, that would probably help. If nothing else, just try to cope, get through it and accept what you are feeling even though it stinks.

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