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QUESTION why do opposites attract?


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I was wondering if your really popular and hang out the "pretty girls" of the school why you like someone else instead of them lets say for example


Your really popular you talk to girls alot some have crushs on you (they are really pretty/popular) you eat lunch with them every day... Why would you like another girl, like a not so popular girl and shes semi pretty?

also the pretty/popular girls don't like her...


does that make sense? I mean i know opposites attract but I was wondering why....


I really hope this makes sense lol


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Its not bout opposites attracting

its bout wantin wat u cant have

if u're hangin with that not so popular gurl u'll b like .. that popular gurl seems so cool .. n y cant i hang out with the popular crowd

get my point? ..

its like our messed up brains cannot hold on to anything .. we want constant change .. not satisfied with wat we already have .. always thinkin I can do better .. not realising what u already have u strive to get what u think u dunt

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So do you like a guy and you're popular but he likes a less popular girl than you? Well popularity doesn't mean guys are automatically going to like you, sorry to say. That is superficial... the guy probably really gets along with this other girl and sees something in her that he is attracted to (even if she isn't the prettiest.)

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Popularity almost does more harm than good actually. The guy may be going for the less popular girl becuase she isn't wrap up in all the popularity stuff. As far as oppossites attracting, there is no real reason why, its just one of those things that is just is.

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NO, no to answer San123

I'm not the popular one I'm the less popular girl the guy i like hes really popular (well I think so) he hangs out with all the girls that hate me, but he seems to have a big crush me on i supose you can say...


I guess my whole entry is basically asking

Why does he like me when he can have those "popular pretty girls" I mean i think i'm pretty just not the perfect body the best clothes the "sexy attitude" why would he like me? I dont get it I know I shouldn't ask this but its weird... I always thought guys liked those kind of girls you know...

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Hey club33,


I can relate to what you are saying. Like you, I consider myself semi-pretty I guess but not popular-kind-of-pretty. In highschool, I knew a few "popular" guys liked me and I wondered why too.


I remember in my senior year, one popular guy got in a fight/argument with his popular female friend and so they stopped speaking to each other for a while. And then it was like he suddenly noticed me--even though I had some classes with him before.


Maybe it's because you are more sweet & kind than those popular girls--who tend not to be so sweet if you know what I mean.

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Opposites definitelt attract, but they don't stick - well said. I had a girl that was opposite of me in every respect. We had great times for a few months, but after a while there wasn't much glue to hold us together. After we broke up all my friends asked me what the hell we had in common? I couldn't name a thing other than education level and similar life goals, but completely different family life, economic situation, lifestyle, interests, social life, type of friends, and on and on. We had tremendous chemistry and attraction that kept us together, but not much of anything else.

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because in someone completely opposite to you, you see the good things in them that you dont have? and admire then for having a certain personality and be able to do a certain thing that you cant?

i normally go for someone opposite to me cos i hate me...so they normally have really good qualities!

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because in someone completely opposite to you, you see the good things in them that you dont have? and admire then for having a certain personality and be able to do a certain thing that you cant?

i normally go for someone opposite to me cos i hate me...so they normally have really good qualities!


i agree. i like a girl who can take care of me in the ways that i can't myself. it's not about being opposite i think, but just about complimenting each other nicely.

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