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would any women want me


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all i am saying is reading from this posts and also other forums, and being a asian male is it true that if u don't have money no women would want me to be their bf. i mean most asian women are off with the wm and the af with the am are in nice cars and successful.

me i am in community college if i finsih this program in business i be happy to get a job, i doubt i be rich or make any kind of big money. -i barely finshed HS and be happy with a girl that wants me for me. , i am 5 7 145lbs asian male. the only thing i have is probably decnet looks and a full head of hair.i'm like an average grade student C+ or something like that. classmate told me chixs in vancovuer are more materliatic than chixs in the east coast- when i ask him why he said b/c of the cost of living her in van is more


if i can't find work related to my field of study-i'm not sure how many girls would go for me. how many girls would date or marry a guy who had a less education and makde less money than em


my folks are like this just study hard and make tons of money and when u have tons of money every girl would want u, u don;t have to chase after em they chase after u-what do u guys think of that.

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Alright, I don't mean to come off as critical, but how many times have you asked this question in very similar fashion?


And the answer is...the girls that go with guys only for their money are a select few and not ones you want anyway. Wouldn't you rather have a girl who loves you for who you are, not how much money you have or don't have, or who is that materialistic?


Relax, there is someone out there. Be more confident. And if worse comes to worse, move away from Vancouver

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Will some women find you unattractive because you have no money? Yes. Will some women find you unattractive just because you are Asian? Yes. Will all women find you unattractive? No.


More than anything else, whether a woman find you desireable or not depends on hwo she feels. If she onyl wants you for the money, is she really attracted to you? or does she want your money?

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yea but would u gals date or marry a guy who was less educated and made less money than u. for example ur guys in trades-welder, or cook and ur a professional accountant......just an example


Yes, I have dated men who range all over the place, from blue collar to white collar, to lifetime students

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yea but would u gals date or marry a guy who was less educated and made less money than u. for example ur guys in trades-welder, or cook and ur a professional accountant......just an example


FYI, the woman I am seeing has a couple of Ivy league graduate degrees and makes a whole lot more than I make.


All that matters is how you make them feel. For some, how they feel may involve money, but not all.


p.s.: wm= white male; af= asian female.

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and the more rejection the more hate inside it's how they chose to be later on , like a time bomb , they get to explode it or diffuse it .


I know the feeling man, I really do. I wouldn't call it hate though, more like frustration, lots and lots of frustration. lol


I know I will probably meet someone one day, but after 23 years of nothing it gets frustrating and very discouraging for the future.


Yes, I like wallowing in self-pity too. It's kinda comforting in a weird way. I dunno. lol

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Yes, I like wallowing in self-pity too. It's kinda comforting in a weird way. I dunno. lol


Well, that's only going to make it tougher to find someone. Confidence is sexy, self-pity is not. Dating is a set of skills, work on them and you'll have more success and confidence, and then less reason to pity yourself.

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Dude I know plenty of people who look like big fat sea-donkeys, Yet they only mangen to big fatty Mcnasteys


I've seen sea cows date decent looking guys. I've seen fat guys date hot women. Is this likely? Not as likely as people who are of about the same physical condition and amount of good looks hooking up, but do you expect to pitch up a hottie when you are not?


Hotties expect to date other hotties, or with people with lots of money or celebrity or something. People who look good and are in shape are not expected to date those who are overweight. Much of who we pick is about who we are expected to be able to get. If a man or woman is overweight, it is much less likely that their dating of a person who is also overweight will invite derision or scorn. Good, don't know. But true.

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I tend to agree with shademan... nice guys do tend to get screwed in life... dude do the best you can.... any women who wants you for what you have YOU DONT WANT..... been married for 20 years and feel like at times i've been here JUST TO PROVIDE.. and talk about that feeling USED feeling... it sucks......... if they can't love you for WHO you are......you dont want them............ worry more about developing WHO you are..... not building up assets.. things are just things......

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