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well here goes. after a month of flirting back and forth and talking normally like every day. calling each other baby and how excited we where to see eachother. and how good of a time we had together. she has recently gone cold on me again. wont return any of my txts and she said that it was getting to much and that she was feeling pressured about it all. i have started to back off. should i just let this one go. i know she still has feelings for me because we still kissed and held hands and when we would be on the sofa we would be all cuddled up. its like she has taken a complete 180 in the past few days and that has left me horribly confused.... thanks




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I expect she'll keep doing this until she's made up her mind about whether she wants a relationship or not. Sadly you'll probably just have to wait for her to decide. Although I have some opinions about just waiting around for her...


I'm a big fan of dating around. When you're still dating and not officially in a relationship, I think dating others really helps these sort of things. It seems that when ladies know that you're dating around it helps them decide faster whether they're interested in you or not. Otherwise they keep you on the line until they've decided whether they're going to keep you or drop you. Additionally, I find dating around allows you to not be the poor guy waiting around for her to make her final decision. It isn't fair that she expects you to wait around until she's ready. I understand the idea of wanting to be there for her, and be open to a relationship with her, but sometimes they need to feel the risk of loosing you to help them make up their mind. Hope this helps.

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