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Do girls dislike guys who lack sexual experience?

Double J

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I've heard some girls say that they would love to have a guy who is a virgin, yet others say they'd prefer a guy with experience who can "teach them" some things. I think guys who lack sexual experience would prefer not to be with someone who's too far ahead of them because it makes them feel insecure, so they look to less experienced ones like themselves.


What do you guys think?

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My boyfriend was very unexperienced with things, because he's a pretty sentimental person. I was his first for a lot of things, and if we ever have sex, I would be his first for that. It doesn't bug me, because he's naturally talented and creative at everything he does. I've realized that unexperienced guys who watch porn occasionaly learn a lot about what to do. Not saying everyone go run out and get some porn. Just saying that knowledge can be gained elsewhere. But the actual talent, can only be gained from experience.


I think it does depend on the girl. To me, I'm glad my boyfriend is unexperienced. I would hate for him to be overly-experience. I think I'd feel like just another female. You know?

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answering ur question...


Yes when the girl wants the guy to be in the lead...But NO when the girl wants to teach or wants for herself to be the lead...


It all depends on the degree of sexual experience that they have..If the chick is lacking a lot of experience her curent lover has already done , it may make the chick curious of how many sexual partners this man has had int he past. It also can spark curiosity of what this man can do to her...


But there is no yes or no answer it just is depending on what this person has already done ....

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MOst girls are going to lie here but most really want a guy w/experience. If your like me in your 20's (23) and no experience you mine as well get used to porn/left-right hand on fri/sat nites as no girl is going to want you. It's okay for a girl to remain a virgin longer but not for a guy. I mean come on, real men get action any time they want it from any girl

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I personally don't like it if the guy has TOO much more experience then i do because then it feels like I have to compare to all the other girls he has been with before. It makes me feel like i won't be as good as them, so I like it if we are on the same level or if I have maybe just a tad bit more experience that way i can lead and feel comfortable with my "skills." Even so.. i don't want some guy who is so oblivous on how to please a girl that its going to be a sloppy mess that makes me want to leave. Hope this helps.

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I disagree wlfpack, I would rather have a guy with less experience because I wouldn't want to look stupid! That was a big fear of mine when I was with my b/f the first time (he's the only guy I've been with) but I don't think I would want a guy who was REALLY experienced because that might mean he has been with a lot of girls, and I wouldnt want to be just another girl on his list. Maybe if I was more experienced with more guys I would want a guy who was really experienced too... who knows! And your comment that "real men get action any time they want from any girl", is far from the truth!

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wlf, you seem to have a very negative outlook on it. It's not necessarily bad. If a girl really cares about you, she could care less - she'll be glad to explore those areas with you.


It's not negative but just the truth. Heck, real life is negative, not the super happy world that MTV and TV in general has made it out to be for all these young kids who get fooled by that crap.

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Like I said before, there are unexperienced guys that have a natural talent for sexual things.


Also, if a guy had too much background, I wouldn't deal with him. I never like to feel like "just another girl."



Heck, real life is negative, not the super happy world that MTV and TV in general has made it out to be for all these young kids who get fooled by that crap.

Actually, most of the shows on MTV strive off all of the drama and negative things of life, which is probably why I don't watch much of it. Just watch Real World, Road Rules, Laguna Beach, etc. So much drama!


P.S. I don't think sexual experience is what defines someone as a "real man." After dealing with your idea of a "real man," I find a lot of them are self-absorbed cowards, to put it nicely.

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I've heard some girls say that they would love to have a guy who is a virgin, yet others say they'd prefer a guy with experience who can "teach them" some things. I think guys who lack sexual experience would prefer not to be with someone who's too far ahead of them because it makes them feel insecure, so they look to less experienced ones like themselves.


What do you guys think?

I think that if the guy in question is well-endowed, he'll be surprised at how mysteriously unconcerned most women are about his lack of experience. Don't expect women to admit to this, though.

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experience definitely. enthusiasm can only make up so much. even well endowed males, if you don't know how to use it, it's useless. of course if you love the fella, you can teach him and you can both experiment, but generally speaking, experience is better. and no it's not only about the clitoris, there's soooo much more to sex that that. you are missing out on all the other erogenous zones and not to mention the g-spot and the a-spot.

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Man talk about the doubled edge sword.


1) certain guys get ignored by girls b/c they aren't jerkish or whatever else enough




2) obviously they get a lack of experience b/c of this




3) it hurts them in the long run b/c if they do manage to get a girl she won't want in inexperience 20-something guy. LOL Man this is why we need to make prostitution legal so at least the lowest men on the totem poll can have someone to get it on w/women.


Read my sig line:

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wlfpack81, you're not looking at this from an objective perspective, but one quite narcisstic. And that perspective is not real. My ex-boyfriend was 23 and never had *any* experience with a girl. He was on one date in his first year of university, and that was the most of his 'sexual' experience. I was his first kiss. As I was also unexperienced I didn't mind at all (he was also my first kiss at 19.) It wasn't that we were antisocial or anything, just never found the right person up until that point. And I didn't want to date someone who I wasn't attracted to, although I had many opportunities. In any case, I think it really depends on the couple, and that's the truth. You can't make any absolute generalizations about something like this. Now that I'm more experienced (although still a virgin), I wouldn't really mind if a guy were inexperienced although as another person said I wouldn't want him to be incredibly fearful of anything, because I'm sorta shy myself and that may make our love life a bit less exciting..As long as he's fairly confident and willing to try new things, I'm fine with a little less experience..if a guy is lacking confidence (i.e. thinks he's worthless/pathetic) that would turn me off more than anything & I wouldn't go out with him anyways. Personality matters more than something like this in my opinion..

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