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What should I do??


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I've met a guy on the internet. We've been chating and exchanging emails for just over a week. We've clicked and I want to meet him offline. The problem is I don't know how to tell my parents. I was hoping that I didn't have to tell them at all and I could just tell my bestfriend when I was going to meet him.


Do I really need to tell my parents and if so how do I go about it?


Does anybody have any advice.



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The question is your safety really. If you tell your best friend and she comes with you on your first meeting you can skip telling your parents, because they will worry about your safety and will most likely advise you not to meet this guy, which is understandable.


It really depends on your relationship with your parents, some Dads will be cool about it and send your Bro with you as backup as an example, others will ban your computer access for life .


There are some choices in life you can only make and this is one of them.


Good Luck.

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I know my saftey comes first. And I'm not going to go out and meet him tomorrow I've told him that he will need to wait until I am ready. The thing is my Dad isn't one of those cool Dad's he's very protective of me I am his only daughter. And I understand.

But what if I was to say continue seeing this guy after I meet him then how do I tell my parents how I met him?.

I know its soon to be asking questions like this But I don't want to get to involved if I'm going to loose the respect of my father.



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If the Guy turns out to be somebody sweet I doubt your dad would care terribly, where you met. However if you told him about the meeting and he said NO and then later on you get involved, then he will get upset.


If you want to gain your father respect BIG TIME let your man meet your father first and ask him to ask you out.


That would impress him.

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I have been internet dating off and on the past three years. Generally, before I meet someone I might only tell a couple friends, and I have my cell phone and I meet in a VERY PUBLIC PLACE. As long as you are meeting in a public place, I really don't think you need to worry too much. While there is always some strange people online, a lot of them are also very normal - and it is no different going into a date where you have only met the person once, or its a blind date.


If you were to hit it off with someone you met online, it is up to you what you want to tell people. I don't really have a problem telling people I met them online, but I have met people who prefer to keep that quiet. Keep in mind that many many people do it now and it has become quite mainstream so the bad associations with it are not as relevant. You could always tell them you met at a party, or the park, or whatever really, just try to remember your story. But really if you hit it off that well, does it really matter if you met online?

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Yeah I agree.. tell your closest friends.. make sure they know where and when... just incase something happens you will have a bunch of people who know whats going on... meet in a public place too....


If you dont want a friend to come with you, maybe you could arrange for a friend or two to be in the same place as you, but not with you...

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I agree with Ray. Meet him in a public place, and have him meet you out front of wherever you are going to meet up so you can see if this guy is legit. Be sure to let your friends know at some point in the night that you are ok.


What your parents don't know, won't hurt them.

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