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semi formal...but i dont have a date


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I'm a grade 11 student and my semi formal is coming up in the next couple of weeks. I'm kind of a home body, i do well in school, i have a few close friends and the then there are friends of my friends that i'm not as close as. Most of the people i hand around all have boyfriends, so they are all going with their boyfriends to semi formal. I dont have a boyfriend, but i feel kind of stupid going to semi by myself.but there isn't anyone i can ask. i wish someone would ask me...but i know no one will.

i do what to go to semi...but i need some advice.

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hey most of my friends were going through this problem like a month ago. You dont nessicarily need a date to go to a semi formal, or a formal for that matter. Thats what i hate about these stupid dances is that everyone thinks that they NEED a date and the answer is that you dont.

My best friend is really strong, she was built that way, and most guys are intimidated by her. For our semi formal she went with me and my date, and it was really fun! she ended up finding a guy there who didnt have a date also and danced and had fun with him. And now their dating. Just go with your friends and have fun, maybe youll pick someone up

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When i had had my firast high school formal i got a friend of a friend to go with me. I had never met him before and it turned out to be a bit of a disaster and i felt like a had to talk to him all night. The next year i went by myself. I had so much fun, dancing with my friends and just having a good time not worrying about guys! Of course we went out after that and found a few later on. hehe.

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I was suspended and never was able to participate in school functions. I did sign up for the prom once...and I was called to the office and told I had a better chance of lifting the school then going to the prom. Saved me the trouble of getting clothes and a date.



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