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just a thought

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I have a questtion for everyone that reads this........


Have you ever woke up one day and thought to your self why did I wake up? Have you ever looked at your life in two difrent ways?


1. Have you looked at you life and then looked at someone elses life and wished you were them?


2. Or have you ever stoped and thought mayde everything has happened for a reason. That maybe just maybe you have a purpos in life to do something great.Like for instence you might be here to save someones life or something like that.


I guess its just a thought for everyone.


So do your self a favor befor you think its all over and diside to end it all... Take a good look at your life and think about all the people who neede you and what could of happened if you were still around.


i hope it helps you all

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thanks for the note...i always compare my life to other people and wish i could be like them. but i always try to keep positive and tell myself that things happen for a reason...and there is a greater purpose in my life other than being invited to that party or being asked to the dance.

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That's quite normal to think that way--I did when I was your age. You out-grow it as you grow into your mind and into your life (as you age).


Everyone has a purpose in life, whether you know it or not. Everyone has a reason for bein' here on this Earth whether you feel you do or not.


We are all interconnected whether you believe it or not--it's beyond our control--it's the evolution of life and death. It's science, really.

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umm...when i was younger i was really confused as why i was in this body, and why i looked like i do, and why are there so many stars up in the sky and why is there such thing as earth and the universe and whats outside the universe and if its nothing then why does anything exist at all why is there life?!

but im over that now.

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1. Have you looked at you life and then looked at someone elses life and wished you were them?


2. Or have you ever stoped and thought mayde everything has happened for a reason. That maybe just maybe you have a purpos in life to do something great.Like for instence you might be here to save someones life or something like that.


No Gurl, Not really, at all , i never thoguht and would never want to be in any1 else's life, im so hapPy with my life..

and yeah i know y did i wake up .., i prefer keeping it for myself.. well, actually, i won't listen to my preferance, Mmm., im religious and aint selfish , so anywayz, i wake up every single day bcz God wanted me to wake up and not die.., i believe some1's death place and time is written , so if i wake up that means im given a brand new day .., and i thank God for it.. it's nice to wake up with sucha a gr8 smile and look at life..

With love,

Night's Tale..

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People get too caught up in comparing themselves to others and trying to fit in. What's really important is that we stay true to who we are and try to be the best we can be. At the end of the day, you have to look yourself in the mirror and be able to say "I like myself."


We all have a purpose in life. But the thing is that we could fulfill that purpose at any time doing anything. It doesn't have to be big like saving someone's life. It could just be reaching out to someone who is feeling down. Maybe that will help them out and encourage them to do the same thing for another person, starting a chain of love that helps countless numbers of people. Or maybe that person will go on to do something great that benefits mankind, but it was you who inspired him to have faith in himself. The smallest act can change the world and we could be the onee who does it.

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