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thinking of sex how often?


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My g/f plain out dislikes making love, and sexual touching or foreplay of any sort. SHE HAS NO APPARENT SEX DRIVE WHAT SO EVER!! Or is it me? We both love each other very much, but our sex life .. well theres not much of one. We have sex a half dozen times a month. When we have sex its really hard to enjoy cause it seems as thought she's only doing it as a favor for me, like she can't wait for it to be over. I've fingered my gf once in the 6 months we've been together, she hates the thought of my fingers being there; never in a million years would she let me go down on her, she thinks its gross. She once said she wished she was an old women so she would never have to have sex. She says the the mental and physical discomfort she has from having sex out weighs the sexual pleasure. She has to make deals with me so we can have sex, like i have to give her a massage or backscratch after just for us to do it. And it drives me nuts!! She has this power because I'm so sexually frusterated and she could easily go the rest of her life without it. What do I do!? Do you break up over something like this? Can you live a non-sexual healthy relationship?.. or would that be an oxymoron.

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you posted this in your own thread already. =S





To answer your question. Sex is pretty much like oxygen for me. =D It's so wonderful I'll have to rape bf at least once a week even after he doesn't have sex drives anymore. But that's hopefully never going to happen. =DD

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