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still want my ex gf of 3-4 months back and havnt stopped trying


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We took a break in Nov to reignite the spark and passion after 4 years felt more like friends. I suggested this thinking it would work perfectly. After 2 weeks she felt uncertain and I got angry kinda started partying and basically repressing my saddness. I just started self medicsting and partying too much. I had convinced I myself I wanted to break up what a joke. I guess I wanted to show her if she wasn't sure about us shed lose me. This was maybe working but we hung out new years 6 weeks after our break and it all fell apart. I realized how much I loved the girl and we had a great night, but at end she asked if I had been with anyone I said I had, didn't have sex but very close, but I couldn't go through with it because of her. we were on a break and I was angry. This crushed her and I had a emotional meltdown all my repressed feelings spilled out. She ended things officially. Since Jan I've done everything to get her back begging crying being depressed and just hounded her for 3 months. Poor girl has anxiety and feels guilty but just wants to be on her own for a while. I've finally agreed and were on good terms we text 4-5 days a week mostly initiated my me. We saw each other twice both times for a concert and my bday. We had so much fun both times but it just sets me back. I love this girl so much and she still has feelings too. But I havbt seen her in 3 weeks and it kills me. I told her im.gonna wait for her to sort out her personal issues ( career stress) anxiety and just be there for her I will not mess around with others or move on until I know for sure she's done with us. Shes admutted shes still confused and there is feelings there. I know our relationship was amazing now and i miss all the things i took for granted.I think if I can just chill on the emotional wanting to get back together b.s we can slowly rebuild what we had. We had 1 week of NC in Feb but maybe no more then 3 days since. I really wanna prove to her its worth saving after my actions in December said otherwise. My issue is im not moving on at all. Im just waiting for her to maybe wanna hang out soon and start to try again. After making all the begging and depressing mistakes I pushed her away but she's still considering it. That's means something. Am I doing the right thing by standing by and waiting for this girl. I had a brutal 3 months I think the hope I have now is what makes it all toleraable. I really dont want to move on if there's still a chance.

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I just think the breakup was just a series of dumb things that shouldn't of ever happened. The night we took a break in Nov I would have never thought it would of all spirralled like this. I just want her back so bad I realize hoe lucky I was to have such an amazing girl. She just can't focus on anything other then a ****ty situation that happeneding to her at work for a while and can't rebuild us right now. I almost feel im.prolonging this its already been 3 months since officially split. I just have to wait for her I love her that much.

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Ok.. Let's say you're way too needy with her now. And definitely, she has two things on her mind. One thing is she's confused about her feelings and second is she's worried about you being all upset. And she might chose to stay with you simply coz she doesnt want you to be hurt. That's not a good thing. She won't be happy and she won't be convinced. An idea is like a virus, it grows and grows in the mind and you seem to think it's real. The idea of that breakup you put in Nov, will be there in her mind. It will grow on her. And she'll keep thinking back. So what you do now is stay cool. You've already told her that you love her and you want to be beside her till she can take a clear decision. Now don't press her for that decision. If you are sure of her, be a gentleman and stay beside her and wait for her decision. It might take time. weeks, months or even a year. Till then, pull it along, give her the support she needs in her anxiety. Make this more about her and more about you and she'll respect you for the space you are giving her.


Remember, the truth in loving someone lies in having to let go... Allow some space, let her breathe, understand her completely and wait. In this case, waiting is a choice you take by yourself. It's ok to do so. If she's worth it, stay on, be what she needs and you'll find her love knocking at your door someday....

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Yea we had such a great 4 years together the last few months kind of came out of nowhere. I just hope I havnt done too much damage the last 3 months by pushing her away. It seems like every tine we start to get good and comfortable and good vibes get emotional about it and lose all my progress. I know she still cares and she's confused she just needs to be on her own. I just hope I havbt ruined my chances . She's still talking to me and has told me just to chill. I just hope she's not being nice and being like this just to ease my hurt. Ifshe was really done with it wouldn't she just not wanna talk to me. She knows where im at and that I wanna wait for her. Should I just not text her. I guess I dont want her to move on either

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She says she just doesn't wanna have to think about it all right now, that she can't with all her other stuff going on. I take that as a good sign that there's even stuff to think about really. Just sucks cause that's all I think about lol, I just love this girl to death and have so much regret about how it all went down. Its shouldn't of happened how it did and I just wanna make things better so badly

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She says she just doesn't wanna have to think about it all right now, that she can't with all her other stuff going on. I take that as a good sign that there's even stuff to think about really. Just sucks cause that's all I think about lol, I just love this girl to death and have so much regret about how it all went down. Its shouldn't of happened how it did and I just wanna make things better so badly


I disagree. I think thats her way of avoiding the uncomfortableness of it. Its been 3 months already and she wished not to talk. She is hoping you will slowly slip away.

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I can see ur point of view but then why would she text me asking what im up to, post on my fb wall, like my pictures. Tellme she still has feelings and she's unsure ect. Those aren't the actions of someone that wants me to slip away. If she wanted me to slip away she would ignore me and give clear indications she wants to me to move on. She hasn't told me me not to wait on her. If she didn't want me to wouldn't it be easier just to say that. It would make it a hell of a lot easier to just let go if that was the case. Its her uncertainty that is keeping ne around, I dont wanna give up on 4-5 years of goodness so easily.

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I can see ur point of view but then why would she text me asking what im up to, post on my fb wall, like my pictures. Tellme she still has feelings and she's unsure ect. Those aren't the actions of someone that wants me to slip away. If she wanted me to slip away she would ignore me and give clear indications she wants to me to move on. She hasn't told me me not to wait on her. If she didn't want me to wouldn't it be easier just to say that. It would make it a hell of a lot easier to just let go if that was the case. Its her uncertainty that is keeping ne around, I dont wanna give up on 4-5 years of goodness so easily.


Like I said, give it time. Give her space. Respond to her casually, don't bleed all over the joint. It's gonna be alright.

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