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Nice women: How to become more... gentle man?


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Good day,


now this is going to be difficult question... Hmm... I am male, 25 and single whole life. And in order to develope my personality more, I feel I´m missing something... something like "woman element" (surprisingly!)


The thing is I spend a lot of my time and energy doing "manly stuff" and I have very few opportunities to behave mysel gently, kindly. I don´t mean etiquette but just to feel empathy, kindnes or something. And I feel other women feel my pain in me - physical and emotional - a lot and I neet to become more "soft person". For example, I do fighting sports ( like Muai thai), bodybuilding, managemetn etc. what are activities where your feeling go out and only willpower and intellect is what counts. Therefore considering that I don´t do stuff like "romance" or something there is very low space to develope my personality in this matter.


So my question is how to become a person that actually feel other people feelings and is able of proper reaction?


Of course, you say smt like: socialize! Of course I do! I have a lot of friends and I think I´m not bad with them. But those friends are man like me, not so gentle and kind (or they really don´t behave in front of me like that!) . And when I meet people who have this ability strong, I usually don´t get along with them very well. It´s like when rock meets moss.... I bought to myself a bunny. Aaand... it still lives! I consider it for a quite big success but still, maybe practicing only on him isn´t quite enough.


Any ideas? Opinions?

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Actually I think volunteering for a cause that is important to you might help you develop empathy. I always thought I was empathetic (I have certainly tried), but then I signed up to be a hospice volunteer. Getting hands on with the dying has taught me so much about myself, others, life, and death that I soon realized I wasn't as empathetic as I always thought. I have definitely grown as a person through hospice as well.


Now of course you don't have to sign up to volunteer for hospice, but there are tons of organizations that need help and would love to have you. You could work with kids, homeless people, teenagers, disabled persons, etc. It might help to shop around and check out different opportunities before committing to one to make sure you'll like it.

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I like both of the above ideas. Volunteering was going to be my first suggestion - go hold some crack babies or work with foster youth in your area. That will develop your empathy for sure. But showing empathy and compassion to your guy friends is good too.

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Actually I think volunteering for a cause that is important to you might help you develop empathy.


Excellent idea! Yup, this might help much, tjank you!


I always behave to my friends kindly etc. but you know, men to men, rock to rock... I could treat for example baby just like my friend or woman like friend. Thats smt. totally different.


Thank you!

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maybe... I am little curious how it feels to feel emphaty to other like poor, sick, children etc. and how much important is it for person... but I understand it might be very subjective attitude and therefore I would like to ask "nice ladies" Like Miss MsAdorkable for example

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maybe... I am little curious how it feels to feel emphaty to other like poor, sick, children etc. and how much important is it for person... but I understand it might be very subjective attitude and therefore I would like to ask "nice ladies" Like Miss MsAdorkable for example


The only way to know how it feels is to get out there and do it. I absolutely love volunteering and helping others, but even I have my limits. There are some groups that I just feel less empathy for and others I feel so much empathy for I'm crying right along with them. Those experiences help me learn about myself and accept my strengths and limits. I think it is very important to be able to understand the challenges of others because mutual understanding is at the core of any relationship whether platonic, romantic, or professional. If you don't understand each other then how can you support each other?

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