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Complete opposites?


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Do you think a relationship between complete opposites can work out?


I'm dating a guy that is the opposite of me in every regard. He's loud, outgoing, party type. I'm quiet, would rather have friends over for game night then go to a club. He likes going out, i like staying in lol. Our lifestyles are different.


Right now, everything is fun. He's alot of fun, but I don't want just fun. i want something more serious. The problem is I'm falling for him and I don't want to end up hurt. i would rather end things now before i get my heart broken.

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My last relationship was like this. Sure I liked going out but not all the time. at the beginning, it was fun I have to admit, but then it started getting a bit too much. He always wanted friends over for house parties and would always want to go to house parties on the weekend even after we had agreed to have a quiet night at the put together. It didn't work out too well in the end, not just because of this, but for other reasons too. And because of the excessive partying, we hardly got any quality time as a couple.


How often does he like to go out?

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Do you think a relationship between complete opposites can work out?


I'm dating a guy that is the opposite of me in every regard. He's loud, outgoing, party type. I'm quiet, would rather have friends over for game night then go to a club. He likes going out, i like staying in lol. Our lifestyles are different.


Right now, everything is fun. He's alot of fun, but I don't want just fun. i want something more serious. The problem is I'm falling for him and I don't want to end up hurt. i would rather end things now before i get my heart broken.


It isn't the personality type that really matters, its the core values that make people compatible. My parents are exact opposites. My mom is very quiet and soft spoken, and she doesn't really put herself out there to meet a lot of people. My dad is very outgoing and comfortable around people, and he is a much more assertive person in general. They work together because their core values on major things, marriage, spirituality, sexuality, money, parenthood etc are the same. They complement one another personality wise, and don't have very many major arguments because their personalities don't clash like many people who are to similar tend to do. It can definitely work, and some may argue that it could be an even better match because you two might not clash like two really boisterous people would. As long as you are able to make time for one another and find other things in common that you can share, it should be fine.

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I think it can, but only under certain conditions.

His strengths (your opposite) need to be something you admire & respect.

For example, I'm **** @ keeping networks... I could care less who had a baby or did got a promotion so my social circle is small.

I like a guy with a big social circle because the skills it takes to keep a social network I simply don't have.

However, if a guy is completely opposite to me in terms of things like morals, it will not work.

For example, if I don't want to do something, I say NO... Simple as that.

I do NOT respect non confrontational people who say "I'll get back to you" & have no intention of doing so so if he's like that I won't be able to be with him.

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In terms of morals and life values, we are pretty similar in what we want in the future.


Around him, I feel like I'm boring (?) and uninteresting because I haven't gone out as much or seen as much of the world as he has. I don't know, I guess I'm just feeling a little insecure.

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In terms of morals and life values, we are pretty similar in what we want in the future.


Around him, I feel like I'm boring (?) and uninteresting because I haven't gone out as much or seen as much of the world as he has. I don't know, I guess I'm just feeling a little insecure.


My husband always felt this way with me. Now that he is older he is more secure in himself. But I have always found him interesting. People are interesting regardless of personality.

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Well, a well traveled person vs a non well traveled person *is* a difference in morality/priority.

It means that his goals are to save so he can go somewhere whereas you put your money towards other things.

Even if you're no against traveling, it's an indication it wasn't a priority to you, but it obviously was for him because it's expensive & requires organization.

Personally, I can't date a person who's happy in their own city all the time.

I'm the type who likes to hit the gym & save for 3 months straight than go on a vacation, but if he'd rather go out then it won't work.

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