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Love At The Age OF 16 !! Really confusing!!


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Is it possible to have love at the age of 16? or it's just a attraction? i am really very confused about this matter !! Can a person at the age of 16 find his/her life partner ??




can they be together for life time ? or it's just for few months or years ?

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Yes you can love at 16. Finding a life partner at 16? Very rare. We grow so much as we reach adulthood and in adulthood. Often people do not grow together. So while some people may find a life partner in their teens this is very much an exception and not the rule.

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People change drastically from the period 16 to 18, then again from 18 to 20, then again from 20 to 24.


People therefore usually go through dating 'stages' during those ages. They date people that fit their current life and then change again as they move to the next stage.


It does happen finding a life partner (or a 10 year partner) at a young age. But its not common. You would have to assume by the stats 95% of LTR's in the teens fail.

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People change drastically from the period 16 to 18, then again from 18 to 20, then again from 20 to 24.


People therefore usually go through dating 'stages' during those ages. They date people that fit their current life and then change again as they move to the next stage.


It does happen finding a life partner (or a 10 year partner) at a young age. But its not common. You would have to assume by the stats 95% of LTR's in the teens fail.

so what you mean is that it's just a PUPPY LOVE what people face at teenage?

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so what you mean is that it's just a PUPPY LOVE what people face at teenage?


Not necessarily. It can be true love. However there is so much maturing that happens that you often have no commonality when you get into adulthood. The human brain is not done developing until you are 25 approximately. People often do not know themselves or even what they want before that. They also have very limited relationship skills as a teenager. Hence why you end up having more partners because you are learning how to be a partner.


When you are a teen it is almost never a good idea to tie yourself to one person.

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Not necessarily. It can be true love. However there is so much maturing that happens that you often have no commonality when you get into adulthood. The human brain is not done developing until you are 25 approximately. People often do not know themselves or even what they want before that. They also have very limited relationship skills as a teenager. Hence why you end up having more partners because you are learning how to be a partner.


When you are a teen it is almost never a good idea to tie yourself to one person.


you also meant the same but in some other way isn't it? You want to say more than 99% fail as a teenage relationship hence it's not a good idea !!!! can you list some cases of a successful teenage relationship ? have you passed through these things ? i want to know some personal experience !!

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you also meant the same but in some other way isn't it? You want to say more than 99% fail as a teenage relationship hence it's not a good idea !!!! can you list some cases of a successful teenage relationship ?


It does not mean a "fail." It means you are LEARNING. Of course teenage relationships are a good idea. How do you expect to learn how to be a partner? You don't just all of a sudden know when you are an adult. You learn as you go along. What I am saying is you are probably not going to spend life with someone you meet at 16. But that is not "failure." It is learning.


Are there examples of teenage love and end up a life love?? Well of course but they are NOT common. My father's parents married when my grandmother was 15 and and my grandpa was 17. They spent 63 years together before she died. However that is NOT common. Most teenagers have a new gf/ bf every few months and that IS normal and expected and have nothing to do with failure.

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In the same vein my parents met at 15, got engaged at 17 and married at 18. They were divorced at 25. That is the more common scenerio. But that does not mean that you do not have a relationship because you might break up. If that was the case the whole human species would die out......LOL. You go into a relationship with happiness and the expectation it will work and you learn as you go.


What is important in a relationship is respect, commonality, goals, and love.

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People can love at any age.


Building life long relationships? Honestly, I think the younger you are when you try to make a life long commitment, the more challenging it will be. I would not recommend teenage weddings, though that is how I came to be (grandparents married as teens, my mom and dad married as teens, all these relationships lasted until one partner passed away).


It's that transition phase of child to adult that a person is so vulnerable, and learning so much, and I just think it makes more sense to wait. So a person can fully concentrate on developing as a person/adult first.


But of course you can love someone.

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In the same vein my parents met at 15, got engaged at 17 and married at 18. They were divorced at 25. That is the more common scenerio. But that does not mean that you do not have a relationship because you might break up. If that was the case the whole human species would die out......LOL. You go into a relationship with happiness and the expectation it will work and you learn as you go.


What is important in a relationship is respect, commonality, goals, and love.

do people love only to make gf/bf? i agree with this statement "What is important in a relationship is respect, commonality, goals, and love." and if this is carried out would it be helpful ? And Remember i never told that he/she want's to marry at such a small age (17,16 or even 19)i agree with that fact !!! it would take time but suppose if he/she knows a lot about each other and is ready to marry at the age of 25 or 22 would the relationship go better or can it be carried out till lifetime !! ? the more younger they are the more they learn about each other !! so now i think this is what should be carried out!! and this is only what make's a relationship strong that a person know's a lot many things about each other .

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People can love at any age.


Building life long relationships? Honestly, I think the younger you are when you try to make a life long commitment, the more challenging it will be. I would not recommend teenage weddings, though that is how I came to be (grandparents married as teens, my mom and dad married as teens, all these relationships lasted until one partner passed away).


It's that transition phase of child to adult that a person is so vulnerable, and learning so much, and I just think it makes more sense to wait. So a person can fully concentrate on developing as a person/adult first.


But of course you can love someone.


the younger the people are the more they know about each other ins't it the more they know the more they love the more they have understanding isn't it If i am wrong please enlighten me with the right thing !!

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do people love only to make gf/bf? i agree with this statement "What is important in a relationship is respect, commonality, goals, and love." and if this is carried out would it be helpful ? And Remember i never told that he/she want's to marry at such a small age (17,16 or even 19)i agree with that fact !!! it would take time but suppose if he/she knows a lot about each other and is ready to marry at the age of 25 or 22 would the relationship go better or can it be carried out till lifetime !! ? the more younger they are the more they learn about each other !! so now i think this is what should be carried out!! and this is only what make's a relationship strong that a person know's a lot many things about each other .

Well, no ,you don't have to know each other young to know each other better. I met my husband when I was 21 or 22 and we got married when I was 27. I don't think I'd know him better even if I knew him at 16. Communicating with each other is what makes you know somebody not at what age you met them at. My mom married her third husband when she was 47 and she knows this husband just as well as she knew the others.

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the younger the people are the more they know about each other ins't it the more they know the more they love the more they have understanding isn't it If i am wrong please enlighten me with the right thing !!


No ,you don't have to know somebody young to understand or love them. Lots of people meet and marry when they are older and it doesn't mean they love or know the partner any less.


Things are not black and white. Life is many shades of gray.

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you also meant the same but in some other way isn't it? You want to say more than 99% fail as a teenage relationship hence it's not a good idea !!!! can you list some cases of a successful teenage relationship ? have you passed through these things ? i want to know some personal experience !!


Being 46 I've had a lot of experiences.

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No ,you don't have to know somebody young to understand or love them. Lots of people meet and marry when they are older and it doesn't mean they love or know the partner any less.


Things are not black and white. Life is many shades of gray.


suppose any one met at a teenage he/she can communicate better with each other rather then in a age of 21 or 20 isn't it or age's really don't matter ?

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suppose any one met at a teenage he/she can communicate better with each other rather then in a age of 21 or 20 isn't it or age's really don't matter ?


No I don't think meeting at 16 makes you better communicating. Usually as people get older they get better communicating.

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