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Should I buy her flowers?

Ocean of Blue

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I've been dating a girl. Had 5 dates with her. We kissed at the end of every date. She would always text me what a great time she had. I've asked her out twice and she has been busy with no counter offer. I haven't seen her for 3 weeks (in 1 of them we were both out of the country)


She did hint that all her boyfriends have bought her flowers. I know she has been dating other guys who have showered her with flowers.


Should I ask her one more time by sending her flowers and a note asking her for a date or will it seem like a desperate attempt to win her over?


Ladies - your thoughts please.

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Don't send or give her flowers just because other guys have done so in the past - it will look too much like "copy cat", especially since she told you about it. Also, it would look too desperate (imo). I also think it is early days to send it to her work. I say hold off with the flowers for now.

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In a situation like this, its probably best to not send her flowers. I say you shouldn't give flowers or gifts if it's almost like you are trying to use the gift to "win her over". If the person truly cares or doesn't just want to get people to give them gifts, they wouldn't need the flowers or gifts in order to realize that. I say wait util you are more secure in the relationship.

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Im not a female but ill give my thoughts. It's no problem if you bring flowers to a date. But if your talking about delivering flowers to her job or house. I think that's to much.


Why is that seen as being too much? I, admittedly as a guy and not from a girls perspective, would see this as being sweet and romantic. Its not like you are having an engagement ring delivered to her house/place of work. Having flowers or chocolates delivered to a girl, even early on, should not add any pressure to anything, it should just be taken for what it is........a nice, romantic, thoughtful gesture

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You haven't seen her in three weeks, she's turned you down twice without suggesting another date...?


Don't even contemplate sending her flowers!


By all means, ask her on another date - but if she declines again without an alternative suggestion, move on.


And save the flowers for someone who deserves them!

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Tell her you've been wondering when she's going to send you flowers, that normally all your dates have done so by now and she's running late. She also has the option of sending you a selection of gourmet pates or a giant teddy bear. If she has a sense of humor, she'll bite. And if not...so what?

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Tell her you've been wondering when she's going to send you flowers, that normally all your dates have done so by now and she's running late. She also has the option of sending you a selection of gourmet pates or a giant teddy bear. If she has a sense of humor, she'll bite. And if not...so what?


Haha - great idea.


Thanks for all of the support guys. Really appreciated

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I think at this time its to much. Sure after your a couple then its all good.She hasn't even contacted him in three weeks. Like I said ask he should ask her out and give her flowers then.

Why is that seen as being too much? I, admittedly as a guy and not from a girls perspective, would see this as being sweet and romantic. Its not like you are having an engagement ring delivered to her house/place of work. Having flowers or chocolates delivered to a girl, even early on, should not add any pressure to anything, it should just be taken for what it is........a nice, romantic, thoughtful gesture
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