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Dating this guy but dilemma on WHERE to spend time together


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I'm 24, he's 18. We both live at home with our parents and don't have much money. He goes to school and works but doesn't make much. I'm going to school full time and currently job searching. We can't really do "stuff" at home because of our parents and that would be awkward...so any suggestions?

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haha well I kinda understand broke I just wasn't sure the budget was that low. I mean you can't really do anything. If you can't afford somewhere to just spend the night together and people are always home - what can you do? Mess around in the car I guess but that's not too much fun and pretty uncomfortable

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I've had sex in my car - no problems at all with it haha. My friends and i have this sort of joke between us, we call it christening the car. Well we did a few years ago.


But realistically, even if people are always home i'm sure you are allowed into your room and can shut the door right? My boyfriend lives with his parents, and that doesn't stop us just because they're home. Obviously we have to be quieter, but i'm sure as long as neither of you are screamers you could still fool around.


As for just spending time together, well a park is always a nice idea, or somewhere with a pretty view, like a water front where you can go for a walk and talk and sit and look at the stars. Thats the sort of things thats i think is nice to do together. I know you said motels are out of the picture, but perhaps a weekend away camping which is so cheap.

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We've had sex before with other people but it's going to be our first time with each other. I feel like I'd be disrespecting his parents and my parents, honestly. I have been taught that it's wrong and dirty and the list goes on. The people who taught me this were the PARENTS of ex boyfriends, because at one point, when I was younger we did full around in their home. We weren't loud but they knew what we were doing because the door would be locked and the parents didn't like that AT ALL. We were legal, 18+ but I'm 24 now and this parents thing is getting old. I'm an adult and I don't want to feel ashamed of what I do and I don't like disrespecting others; I understand it's the parents home and I can't do what I please there. It's freaken cold outside! There's no way we can, sometimes it gets to freezing temperatures, other days it isn't as freezing but still too cold to be outside. I strongly believe in the car thing. Many people I know personally have had their cars not function anymore, including mine. One day I got really drunk and I wasn't able to drive home so I let my friend drive me home in my car and she kept it for the night, well she had sex in it that night after dropping me off and about a week later, it was having major problems, so I took it to the mechanic and somehow he got my car to explode, literally.

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