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First off : I have a boyfriend of 2 years, I love him but the past while I don't feel attracted to him sexually, just like we're roommates who sleep in the same bed every night.


I have always liked girls, and lately I think I like girls more than guys. So I started talking to a girl at work who's lesbian. We started flirting at work, we would text everyday all day from when we get up till our goodnight texts.


The thing is she has a girlfriend who she lives with, but we went out the other night and started kissing when we got home we both said how awesome a night it was and how we kissed and are going to end up sleeping together.


Long story short, I am crushing on this girl and obviously she has feelings for me but do you think it will go anywhere

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First off : I have a boyfriend of 2 years, I love him but the past while I don't feel attracted to him sexually, just like we're roommates who sleep in the same bed every night.


I have always liked girls, and lately I think I like girls more than guys. So I started talking to a girl at work who's lesbian. We started flirting at work, we would text everyday all day from when we get up till our goodnight texts.


The thing is she has a girlfriend who she lives with, but we went out the other night and started kissing when we got home we both said how awesome a night it was and how we kissed and are going to end up sleeping together.


Long story short, I am crushing on this girl and obviously she has feelings for me but do you think it will go anywhere


No I don't think it will go anywhere, having a relationship is about more than just having feelings and doing what you want without caring about the other parties involved. You get out of relationships what you put into it.

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My boyfriend doesn't care about me being with girls he says its only cheating if I'm with a guy so he doesn't care


Yeah, then if she was single it might be alright, but she has a gf and I bet that gf would care. If you want to hook up with a girl, find a girl who isn't taken.

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No I don't think it will go anywhere, having a relationship is about more than just having feelings and doing what you want without caring about the other parties involved. You get out of relationships what you put into it.


Well said. Agreed.

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I bet that her gf doesn't even know she's cheating on her with you. Would you cheat with a man who was married, or otherwise attached? The gender doesn't matter; cheating is cheating, whether the boyfriend says it's OK or not. *Somebody* gets hurt - whether it's the woman's gf, or you, eventually, when she starts feeling guilty an ends it, or your bf when he starts getting jealous, or the woman when you start feeling guilty or her gf finds out - take your pick. No good can come of it, no matter how you try to justify it. If you (or she) has to go elsewhere, then something is broken in both of your relationships for one thing, and for the second, even if she does break it off with her gf (and/or you with your bf), keep this in mind: if she cheats WITH you, she'll probably cheat ON you. It's a lose-lose no matter what.

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i think you 2 should talk about it and if you like eachother and you both want to be together and you want to start something and brake up with yor bf and she with her gf then i dont see anything wrong with it

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Do I think it will go anywhere is hard to say. If she is in an open, non-monogamous relationship you might be someone she is just having fun with and could end up getting hurt. You would have to be okay with the fact that she is living with another woman she is in a committed relationship with. What do you want would be a good question to ask yourself. I wouldn't trust that it would go anywhere unless she communicates to you that she would like it to go somewhere. That's just my opinion.

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