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Moving too fast?


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Me and my (now) boyfriend have known each other for several years, we were close friends before we started dating.

We dated for two weeks before becoming 'official' (mind you, we had eight dates in that time. I would actually say six, because one was hanging out with a bunch of friends, and one was taking his sister's kids to the circus, and I don't really think of those as 'dates'). Just over a month after becoming official, we told each other we loved each other. I know I meant it, and I'm sure he did too, but everybody from my parents to his sister seems to think we're moving too fast. Are we?

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If you guys already knew each other then I'd assume you already had a love for each other, even though it was just as friends. So its kind of understandable that that deeper love developed quickly. If you are confident in your decision to tell him then I would go for it. Just be careful that you really do love each other and you aren't just caught up in the excitement.

Good luck.

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I started my relationship similar to yours, being good friends for several years prior. It took me a few months to say "I love you" which was a LOT faster than in my previous relationships. But in my previous relationships, I didn't have a history with the person. I think it's normal. I wouldn't sweat it.

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If you were strangers, I would say that you were moving waaaaaaaay too fast.


But you aren't strangers. You've known each other a long time, you have background on who each other is, how they interact with the world, etc. The knowledge and understanding that you've developed in that time would take months if you were to start from "scratch". So... yeah... 2 weeks is a bit fast (and probably shocking to "outsiders")... but it's not crazy fast.


As long as he doesn't think it's too fast - you are fine.

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Me and my (now) boyfriend have known each other for several years, we were close friends before we started dating.

We dated for two weeks before becoming 'official' (mind you, we had eight dates in that time. I would actually say six, because one was hanging out with a bunch of friends, and one was taking his sister's kids to the circus, and I don't really think of those as 'dates'). Just over a month after becoming official, we told each other we loved each other. I know I meant it, and I'm sure he did too, but everybody from my parents to his sister seems to think we're moving too fast. Are we?


I feel like I should probably add that we've always been flirty with each other, and flirted with the idea of taking our relationship to the next level for well over a year now.

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