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Im not afraid


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So Im currently in a "scare" right now. A girl I was fooling around with has told me that she is possibly pregnant and that I may be the father. Most people would go ape**** crazy, but Im not. Im just sitting here going about it in such a nonchalant way that its kind of unnerving. At this point in my life Im not necessarily ready for a child, but if the girl would want to keep it and us stay together I would consider it. I honestly dont know what I would choose though. On the one hand this girl has issues that would lead me to think she would be a bad mother, but on the other hand I could be wrong. I know for me I would also be there for the kid and do the best by it I could.


Im not against abortion, but I do think a decision like that is completely up to her.

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I think everyone deals with things differently. I admire your ability to keep calm though. I would be freaking out and I know my boyfriend would freak out (not in a good way) if I somehow got myself pregnant. Good on you


I would definitely keep calm, ask for a paternity test, and don't take no for an answer. You need to establish paternity before you invest in her or the baby.

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A girl I was fooling around with has told me that she is possibly pregnant and that I may be the father.


How many other guys is she fooling around with ?? You really need to use condoms....apart from pregnancy you have STDs to consider as well.


I hate to be harsh, but it could turn into a "Maury Povich" show, with her claiming all these guys could be the father, and one by one they are tested and eliminated.....leaving one poor sucker as the dad. Not the way to start a life with a child on the way!!!

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Yeah, what have you been using for protection?


You really should use condoms. And not just any condoms. Your own so you can be sure that she didn't go psycho and poke holes in them. You never know with some people.

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Yeah, what have you been using for protection?


You really should use condoms. And not just any condoms. Your own so you can be sure that she didn't go psycho and poke holes in them. You never know with some people.


LOL totally



I had this friend (who is now an ex-friend for many other reasons), she actually poked holes in a condom when she was back in high school, completely unstable chick

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LOL totally



I had this friend (who is now an ex-friend for many other reasons), she actually poked holes in a condom when she was back in high school, completely unstable chick


That's so crazy. I hope she didn't get knocked up. Some people are just NUTS.

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That's so crazy. I hope she didn't get knocked up. Some people are just NUTS.


Oh no, thankfully she didn't. She's not that bright and is extremely self involved. She's 27 now, single and no kids. I don't think she should ever have a child, she's not fit to be selfless and responsible. I'd say she has a mentality of an 18 year old.

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