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Frustrated, need to vent


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So...what is up with mother-****ers these days? I don't understand how a person can act like they like you so much, spend time around you, seek you out, etc, even stick their penis in you but then POOF! disappear and not talk to you for FIVE DAYS AND COUNTING.


Why did you bother at all? Sometimes I feel like I am not cut out for this world. My interactions with the inhabitants of this place all riddled with problems and the results are always unsatisfactory. Is it something I'm doing wrong? Are the hippies right? Am I putting out "bad vibes" into the universe, man?


I went to get a massage last night. At this quaint, little Asian place. Little, Asian lady did it. I got butt-naked for it. When I was done and got dressed and was heading out the door she complimented me and said I have a nice body. That was nice.


I've been told that before, have also been told I have an attractive face. The consensus of people is that, save for my bad temper and a couple other faults (everyone has them), I'm a pretty decent and nice person. I'm genuine, conscientious, kind, etc. Why can't I find a man that appreciates these things?


Maybe I should start being a selfish *****, pile the make-up on and treat everyone like ****, and the bastards will start taking notice and place VALUE on me.


It's not that I want to be "in a relationship" for the sake of "being in one". It's just that I met someone and thought the attraction was mutual. Turns out, it is, but only to a point. A god-damn, mother-****ing POINT. I'm sick of this ****. I deserve more than this. I want the whole world to BURN for hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. But normally, I'm very sweet and caring. Lol Just don't cross me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Go read Mars and Venus on a Date.


Men are not like Women. They are like Rubberbands. They run hot and cold. It is totally normal and you should not take it personally.


According to John Gray, too much intimacy actually lowers their level of testosterone and they have to pull away to feel better.


A lot of men come on really strong and then pull away for a bit. It could be that he's just a creep but even awesome guys do this.

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Oh, 20sgal, I hope this doesn't make you angry to hear but your post made me giggle a bit. It reminds me so much of myself venting at various points in the *wonderful* dating journey. All you can do is shake your head and laugh it off sometimes. Hugs. It will get better.

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I had to give you rep points for your post. It has so much emotion and honesty in it. After you pass this phase of being pissed off I believe you will eventually not give a f***. Which I think is an easier way to handle this lame "dating world". I wanted a boyfriend bad, I'll be honest and I would say I am a happy, motivated person who has a good/full life but now I think this is f***ing stupid, who really cares. There are worse things in life. Oh well. It's gotten so ridiculous that the only thing I can do is laugh and smile, because you can't beat life, just laugh at it

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Wo that is a lot of stars....I have had those days too...it's okay...I dated a lot of d bags before I met the 'one'...and it still shocks me everyday...it will happen eventually! just don't get so angry and bitter about it...it's their loss

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Go read Mars and Venus on a Date.


Men are not like Women. They are like Rubberbands. They run hot and cold. It is totally normal and you should not take it personally.


According to John Gray, too much intimacy actually lowers their level of testosterone and they have to pull away to feel better.


A lot of men come on really strong and then pull away for a bit. It could be that he's just a creep but even awesome guys do this.


Rubberbands? They’re stretchy, back and forth? Lol Yes!!!!!! To the temperature comment! Some days I’ll feel we have little break-throughs of sorts. Like when we lay on his bed and he leans into me and then rests his head on me. I looooove **** like that! Wish he’d do it more! He could put his arm around me while he was at it and plant a BIG FAT ONE on my face! Lol


I’m sorry. I don’t mean to come accross clingy or weird. But all I want is to love and be loved back. I don’t know what’s so wrong with that or why men seem so repulsed by it. It’s like they’re afraid of commitment. Well **** guy, I’m not asking you to marry me (not right now anyway, ) but if you like me, like me or don’t. Pick one and stick with it!


I appreciate you enlightening me about this testosterone theory. I buy it. I should read up on this John Gray individual. Sounds right.


Oh, 20sgal, I hope this doesn't make you angry to hear but your post made me giggle a bit. It reminds me so much of myself venting at various points in the *wonderful* dating journey. All you can do is shake your head and laugh it off sometimes. Hugs. It will get better.


Lol thanks for the support. The funny thing is about this whole situation--we're not even "dating".


I had to give you rep points for your post. It has so much emotion and honesty in it. After you pass this phase of being pissed off I believe you will eventually not give a f***. Which I think is an easier way to handle this lame "dating world". I wanted a boyfriend bad, I'll be honest and I would say I am a happy, motivated person who has a good/full life but now I think this is f***ing stupid, who really cares. There are worse things in life. Oh well. It's gotten so ridiculous that the only thing I can do is laugh and smile, because you can't beat life, just laugh at it


You're so right! Thanks for the encouragement!


Wo that is a lot of stars....I have had those days too...it's okay...I dated a lot of d bags before I met the 'one'...and it still shocks me everyday...it will happen eventually! just don't get so angry and bitter about it...it's their loss


Awww, thanks for the post.


He actually called me the day I posted that and talked to me for a while. We hung up and I jumped in the shower. While I was in the shower he called me so when I got out I called him back. We talked again for about 5 minutes and he told me he’d call me back cuz someone else was calling him and I never heard from him. Over 12 hours passed, a night’s sleep any everything so…feeling corky I texted him this:

Me- So what happened to ya? Why’d you **** off? Lol

Him- Huh? What do u mean

Me- Said you’d call me back and never did. Just curious what happened. Lol

Him- Trying to get **** done

And we left it at that. Synopsis: we’re in a professional program together. Classmates. We screwed once during winter break. Didn’t even kiss me. We’re not dating. He doesn’t give a ****. I clearly do and it sucks. Thanks for listening.

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I think this applies to both women and men.


Just when you thnk everything is going well, chemistry is good, good connection mentally...... POOOF it's gone. I'm familiar with this.


But it's not the end of it. You have to go through some bad ones to find the one who will love you with honor and respect. Keep your chin up although you're frustrated

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Well....hmmm. The only common denominator is that you are the one who is selecting these guys. And yes, if you are a woman with a nice body, men will pursue you and spend time with you and then sleep with you.....but that in itself does not guarantee anything...not even an extra courtesy date. These are the guys that you are selecting.


Hold off on sleeping with them and see if they prove themselves worthy.

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