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Film... pressure... stress... sadness...


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Yesterday I posted a different thread about this situation. It was about the same situation but it was more asking for advice about legal stuff because my ex is involved. That thread is here...




But the quick story is... I was at a party this past weekend and we watched the film I made with my ex 6 years ago. People at the party were saying I should remake it all by myself. Alcohol was flowing and it was more or less just everyone joking around about it.


But then I had a few people who were there contact me the next day sober and tell me I really should do it, and even offer their skills/services to help me. A bunch of them got together to game that day and I guess they all talked about how great this would be, etc.


Yesterday I sent out a message to a bunch of people on facebook just to see who is legitimately interested. Well, that created an explosion... Someone else created a facebook group about this. The facebook group got al these members right away. There are a lot of people in the facebook group that I don't even know. But they are messaging me telling me that they have all kinds of experience in special effects makeup, in lighting and sound, etc...


Anyone who's ever worked in Independent film knows this is not the norm. It's usually the opposite. Maybe everyone's eagerness is overwhelming me, I don't know... because the problem is, I still don't know if I want to do it.


I told my ex about this yesterday. He was going to find out anyway. With this being a small town and us having a lot of mutual friends, I would rather he hear it from me then anyone else. Surprisingly he was fine with it as long as he gets a creative credit. If I end up doing this, I will get that in writing... I don't trust his word.


I can't really explain it... something about this just doesn't feel right. A lot of people are jumping at the chance to be part of this... but they are friends of friends of friends who I've never met. And part of me wonders if it's worth putting all kinds of time, effort and energy into making a film that's already been made.


Also... I worry about this causing problems between my SO and I. I've seen film ruin so many relationships over the years. But... in every one of those situations the couple was already having problems and something on set just was the breaking point. My bf and I are actually pretty tight. This is the best relationship I"ve ever been in and I really don't want to risk hurting it for this. I talked to him about this last night and he told me he doesn't see that happening. He said as long as we still have time to spend together doing fun thiings and my life isn't consumed by this film... then he is fine with it. He even said he's looking forward to being on set with me and seeing the whole process. One of the things that first intrigued him about me was the fact that I'm a film maker.


When the original film was being made was when my ex was cheating on me. Making it was one of the funnest things I've ever done... but then I found out about him cheating and all that tainted the good memories I guess. The film premiered on the big screen... but the night of the premiere him and I were barely even on speaking terms and I was about to move out.


So... I have this group of people wanting me to do this. I have a supportive bf who wants me to do it... why don't I feel the mojo? I don't understand. I am leaning toward doing it just because everyone wants me to. But that shouldn't be the reason a film get's made, in my opinion.


The original film was based on a really cool concept. But that concept got lost in my ex's awful camera work and poorly written dialog. I would fix that in my version.


The woman who is the ringleader in this whole thing seems out to make an ass of my ex. She said to me the other day, "Let's trample all over his dreams and do a way better job of it." For me, it's not about trampling on anything.


Idk... I'm in the middle of the road. Part of me is really excited to see this huge response and all this encouragement from people. Part of me just get's stressed out and feels sad when I think of it.


Does anyone have an insight of why I feel this way maybe. Or any opinions on whether I should do it?

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I saw this other thread as well -- and I think one poster said it best:


if you don't have an overwhelming NEED to do this, let it go.

You are letting what others think over ride your own thoughts. So -- yeah - -great response.


You are "rewriting" your history w/ this guy by redoing a project you both shared.


Put the past in the past and do something new.

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I know the couple that co-wrote the book, about Foods that Make you Fat...big success...huge lawsuit battling between them especially after breaking up.


Consult with your lawyer now, or a copyright lawyer. You are a film-maker right? I'm sure you already have one, then, or have them refer you to a copyright/patent lawyer.

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I know the couple that co-wrote the book, about Foods that Make you Fat...big success...huge lawsuit battling between them especially after breaking up.


Consult with your lawyer now, or a copyright lawyer. You are a film-maker right? I'm sure you already have one, then, or have them refer you to a copyright/patent lawyer.


My ex never copyrighted anything, or had anyone involved sign release forms (despite everyone advising him to.) This is why the film was never released. I plan on protecting myself to the max.

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I agree with Penelope and also, as cliche as it sounds, write out or type out a pro-con list so that you can unjumble a lot of what's going on and it will force you to get to the root of what you're hesitating about.
I could try that. I have been thinking about this in an unorganized way... it might help to separate things.
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I could try that. I have been thinking about this in an unorganized way... it might help to separate things.


Yes and I don't blame you -it's both a business venture and a creative venture/journey with all the emotions from the previous relationship that come with it. Also you might need some space from the adrenaline rush of all the excitement on FB and otherwise about it.

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Yes and I don't blame you -it's both a business venture and a creative venture/journey with all the emotions from the previous relationship that come with it. Also you might need some space from the adrenaline rush of all the excitement on FB and otherwise about it.
I took a break from facebook... it amazes me that I have this much support from so many people. But at the same time I don't really know how to process it all. We are all getting together this weekend to brainstorm about it. I think I will have more an idea how this will go after that. It is awaking some old demons in a way... the fact that my ex xheated on me while the priginal was being made, with one of the actresses who was also a good friend of mine is hard to forget. Maybe remaking it could help me heal from that for good. It might be theraputic... who knows.
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Really - try to figure out what YOU would like as an ideal outcome before you start brainstorming with others. Everyone will have a different perspective and motive, thus it's imperative that you know what YOUR expectations and hopes are before you start listening to everyone else

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