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Discovered project management isn't for me. Now what?

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I was an IT Technical Specialist for years on the infrastructure side. I was never the nerdy/geeky type when I was younger, I just landed in IT and was ok at doing technical work. I got my MBA and project management certification in order to move up the ladder. I thought I was limiting myself by doing the techie stuff and thought I would be a good manager. To me project management was a stepping stone into management.


5 years later, I have discovered that project management isn't for me. In fact I can barely stand it. In my last job I was put on a performance improvement plan because I wasn't cutting it as a PM. I was so miserable that I quit that job and was unemployed for over a year. I am 2 months into a new project management gig, I thought I'd try it at another place to see if that might have been part of it. But now I know what it is - I am not detailed oriented, I don't have this huge sense of urgency about keeping various tasks on schedule, I hate being "on point" all the time, the center of attention, the person driving meetings and having to talk. I'm not particularly organized. I'm the kind of person who prefers being given work to do, and doing it, and not having to be the go-to person all the time.


So my question is, now what? I have been out of technology for years and not sure I want to go back to being a techie. But I can't continue in project management. Are there any natural jobs PMs can go into? Anyone been in a similar situation? I don't want to commit career suicide. Thanks for any help.

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Project management skills are usually very highly regarded. Do the best you can, as suffering as it may seem, so that you can make a name for yourself in the company you are with. Then look for other opportunities that may be of more of an interest to you. This will help you build your resume and lead to openings outside of your currenty organization. If you continue to do a poor job just because it doesnt interest you, you will have a tougher time moving on because I assure you, new employers will check your background.

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I'm going through the same thing with retail management. It's a tough but brave thing to realize when something you wanted really isn't a good fit for you. I wish I had an answer as to how to handle it but I'm still working on my own answer... currently considering taking a job as just a sales associate with a huge pay-cut and no benefits to pursue going back to school and even moving accross the country.

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It would seem based on what you are saying that you are a very "Type B" person in a very "Type A" world...You could either strive to be more Type A or switch jobs to something a little more creative. Now that you are in management there should be a lot of doors open to you. Have you thought about switching to something more Human Resources related? With your MBA that could be an option...that is a little more I think up your ally..

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Project management skills are usually very highly regarded. Do the best you can, as suffering as it may seem, so that you can make a name for yourself in the company you are with. Then look for other opportunities that may be of more of an interest to you. This will help you build your resume and lead to openings outside of your currenty organization. If you continue to do a poor job just because it doesnt interest you, you will have a tougher time moving on because I assure you, new employers will check your background.


Thanks for your response. That's not a bad idea, but the issue has more to do with how my traits match up with the required traits of an effective project manager. It's not that I do a poor job because I'm disinterested, it's that my skills/traits are not a natural fit for being a PM. I used to think that virtually anyone can perform any job with the right training and support, but now I know that personality traits and natural talents simply make certain individuals ill-suited for certain jobs.

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It would seem based on what you are saying that you are a very "Type B" person in a very "Type A" world...You could either strive to be more Type A or switch jobs to something a little more creative. Now that you are in management there should be a lot of doors open to you. Have you thought about switching to something more Human Resources related? With your MBA that could be an option...that is a little more I think up your ally..


That sounds about right. Although I consider myself a blend of both types depending on the situation. Certain skills required of a PM - razor sharp attention to detail, being "in the weeds" and minutiae instead of being at a higher level, always being on point and the center of attention from all sides, incredible organizational skill, having to constantly bug people for status updates - they just aren't me. Yes I've learned enough to get by, but not thrive as a PM. But as I said I'm not sure what role I am suited for. Not sure if HR is for me but it is an idea.

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If you are heavy on infrastructure why not go into systems architecture instead of project management? That's more of a big picture thinking kind of role with less focus on all the details. You could also try a place where you are in pre-sales and respond to customers needs with proposals and recommended solutions. In that role you rarely have lots of details and must learn to make broad based assumptions of what is likely needed. There are time pressures (every IT job has that) but it is quite different then project management.

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