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I've been seeing this guy since January and he is always the one who initiates plans, like cinema etc but he wants to have a 'movie night' tonight and I have a funny feeling he is going to invite himself over to my house. The problem is I've always had this issue where I would rather go to the guys house first (especially if they are making the plan) so what should I say if he invites himself over? I was thinking of just saying all my uni stuff is everywhere and I've not had a chance to clean. We both still live at home and aren't bf/gf that's another reason why I'm apprehensive about him coming to mine as we aren't even in a relationship! We are both 21.

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Ok he's invited me to his...I'm actually quite nervous! I presume his parents and stuff will be in, I've not met parents for the first time in 2 years! Any advice?


Just relax, don't sweat it. Meeting them because he lives with them and it's unavoidable is a little different than meeting the parents. They'll probably just meet you and then excuse themselves.

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My first thought was inviting himself over to yours is terribly rude. I would never invite myself to someone's home. That's just personal prefernce though and if you have no issue with that but just aren;t rady for him to come to your home yet I agree with the others just tell him your place doesn;t work for you tonight and ask if he has another idea (that way you're not inviting yoursefl to his place either). He is then free to invite you over or choose another option.


As for the kiss if his parents are home I would assume that's about s far as he would want to go especially if he hasn't taken that step yet elsewhere....I mean if he's shy about I'm guessing the thought of his parentls walking in would make him even more reserved. So I wouldn't worry if I were you.

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So I went over to his and met his parents Etc just a quick hello then we watched a film. I think this is the first time in history I've went over to a guys house and we have watched a film with no kissing or hugging, but it was fine we spoke and laughed etc. However when I left he text to say 'my mum likes you, but thinks you must be partially blind to be hanging out with me

(Dont even start me on the face it annoys me no end) but what is that all about? is he fishing for compliments or trying to turn me on with his insecurity? I'm not a mean person but I don't see any reason to give him compliments when he hasn't complimented me/ we havent even hugged. I know I'm not Jessica alba or anything but I would never say something so insecure to a person! I honestly don't know what to reply or if I should just ignore it in the hope he pulls himself together.

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Well I still don't know how I feel about him yet as we havent had any intimacy...but some things about him annoy and I find weird?

For example he has loads of pictures of planes in his room, and them hanging off the ceiling, and posters etc etc. It just seemed really cluttered and childlike for a 21 year old man? I commented on it and he said if he tried to take them down there would be blue tac everywhere...so I thought fair enough...but still odd? I thought it might be a guy thing but all other guys I have known have had normal clutter free rooms? Secondly he can be quite openly sexist infront of me about women drivers and stupid things like playing video games against girls that don't know how to play...I told him this annoyed me too. I don't know because we get on really well most of the time, so maybe it is natural for stupid things to get on my nerves? He will always picks me up and drop me off, and wishes me luck with exams and stuff. I just thought guys would be a bit more mature at 21? My ex boyfriend was immature in a different way, very controlling and jealous, and a year younger.

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The planes in his room seems like he's just too lazy to take them down...or it could be he feels his mum like it that way. Sometimes parents prefer to think of their grown children as 10 year-olds forever.


I'm with you that comment is weird. The only thing I would respond with is to say you're glad she liked you and if you liked her to say you thought she was nice as well...I'd ignore the other part.


The comments about women drivers and such...I often find guys say that as a test. Just to see how you respond. If you diasgree go ahead and tell him you think he's full of it and you don't appreciate the comment. He may respect you mroe for it or if he's really that sexist he may decide he doesn't want to see you anymore....and that might be a good thing if he really thinks that wasy towards women.

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Yeah I think he might have just wanted a reaction with the whole sexist thing... And he got one!


The whole night though he didn't kiss or cuddle me, but he says things in texts that insinuate we are something more? But I find that weird and off putting when we haven't even cuddled? It's as though he expects me to make the first move.

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Yeah I find it odd he still hasn't kissed me or even cuddled me even during a movie... I mean I went over to his house he must know I'm interested? I'm glad things aren't moving fast but at the same time I don't think cuddling is too much to ask? Obviously I don't want to ask him because that will be awkward, and I don't think he is really immature, maybe just inexperienced and geeky? Even though he has had relationships in the past but I don't know much about them.

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