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I asked him


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I don't think he used you for sex. You had sex with him before you had a commitment. So, you took the risk that he wouldn't want a committed relationship with you or at least not in the time frame you wanted one. It's understandable to regret having sex with him too soon (meaning it might have been too soon for you) but I don't think it's his fault -he was entitled to assume you were fine having sex without a commitment.


I personally wouldn't contact him - but I don't think it's the worst thing if you need to find out if his intentions are still the same as he told you the last time you had a date. After 4 dates I would hope he calls you even if it's to say that he's not interested in another date but it's not totally out of line if he doesn't since you weren't yet serious.

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I think it is unlikely that he's going to contact you and ask if you want to be in a relationship with him because he just recently told you he's not ready -he might ask you out on another date though and he might be ready in the future. I would not wait around -get busy doing fun and interesting things and if he calls you, fine.

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women have a right to get sex when they want it..That whole thing where men can and women cant is bull.. My advice to you and if U really want to get a DIG IN at him..U must, MUST MUST..IGNORE him and act like u don't give a care.


Do not call...Do not text..do not email..when he calls dont answer..When you see him again in person dont look at him..IF he speaks to you be poliet and say hello I cant stop to converse ttyl! and keep on walking... Now if he ask if your mad he said no *PAY ATTENTION* this will make his ego drop... Say I thought about it and you're right. I'm not ready to settle down. I like being friends.


Now if he asked u for sex again which if you ignore him he wont have the chance..but if somehow he asks for it again simply tell him (I'm not comfortable with that)



This is what us ladies call DANCING with HIS brains. Never ever ever let him know what your thinking or feeling..this gives you the upper hand..Now move on and find a nice gentlemen who treats you with respect and like a queen. Always smile, never look sad and whatever U do..DOnt talk about it with your friends..None of this ignore him thing...they will gossip and then the plan is runied..U can tell us on here to get it off your chest..


Keep it hush hush..this is your secret ninja plot to make his mind explode...

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