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Hi, all

confused of course on whether or not she does still want our relationship, recently seperated from girlfriend. Lots of issues of course to much to mention unless asked but, i'm nearly 42 and she is 43. We have known each other for approx 14 years and in that time there was aperiod of 10 years where we were apart, recentlty the 4 years we have gotten back together it seemed so right. Although alot of complications that we both had to deal with, we weant through breast cancer with her and myself seperating from another partner which i have 2 children. For the past 4 years she has had many health problems much to do with drinking, binge drinking is a problem in which she was in hospital for her pancrious, even the doctor told her to stop but its what she does. recently she started working again fulltime and where she works there are alot of fellow workers that like giong out drinking, on many occasions where she has gone too. Twice now i have seen text sms come through and ph communication with another man, photo's being in situations where i thought were inappropriate, she did agree but tried to delete them before i saw them, she says they are friends nothing more like a drinking friend. Apperantly married with 2 kids i often thought well why are you ringing at 2:30am ? either way recently she went out to a band night which i could not go as i have my two children, the next morning once again i saw ph calls at 3:00am in the morning on here phone with the same guy as before, there was no mention of him going to this only a girl friend and her, left it for the day and checked her ph later and all was deleted. the next day after going to work i sms here and mentioned to thank the girl friend that took her out but then also said thank ??? aswell. response " wat evere, i will be out by friday"... Now she is staying with the girl friend and we are talking about our relationship and taking it slow on getting back together. Cool it is what i want but it feels like she only want to txt me when right for her, she has visited once and we talked, it seems she is still unsure, still claims her love for me and she has not been with anyone,

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I just wanted to add, after getting out of hospital it was fine for 3 months of no drinking ( i think she didn't) finally she had to have one when we went out for dinner. within 1 month one night she was bored and had a couple of drinks at home but it was late and i was dead beat tired from work that day, i went to bed but fell asleep about 9:30pm. i awoke at about 12:30 to find her not in bed so i got up and looked for her around the house, now i am a light sleeper and will wake very easy, anyway she is nowhere to be seen, her car is gone and im thinking, oh crap cos i know she had been drinking. Anyway i rang her mobile and she answered saying she got hungry and is getting macca's, we have a 24 hour macca's literialy 3 mins walk from our home, anyway she said that she wouldn't be long. At 1:30am i'm thinking what the and tried to call her, no answer and tried every 10 mins until 2:30am when she answers abruptly and there was another male in the background, but he sounded official. Yep you got it ! It was the police and she had been picked up for drink driving, i spoke to the officer and he said she had been picked up 30 mins away from where we live, anyway they would call me, at 7:30am she walks through the door from driving home herself ? now firstly she blew 3 times the legal limit so her car had to be left on the side of the road. I questioned her on how and when and what happened, she said that she caught a cab from the police station to the car and drove home... No because later i found out by calling the Ph no of the person she called at 3:30am in the morning and guess who? yep that guy and he had said that he picked her up from the police station and took her back to his place. Now me asking whats going on and he said none of my business, now apparently after waking up at his place she woke him and requested to take her to her car and from there she drove home. Now does anybody think that i have a reason for her being dishonest ?

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