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lost of fb posts, is it him trying to get to me?


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I am doing nc with my ex ... well lc cuz we have kids. But u haven't talked to him and since I started he's been over posting on fb 6,12,20, sometimes more things a day.

He has a new gf and I added pictures of me going out and 20 mins later he adds a pic of him and his gf and changed his relationship status he adds lovey dovy posts and puts her initials on it. is he doing all this to get to me? That's what everyone thinks.

After the bar and the pictures he added a post saying "I get jealous because I don't want anyone to make you happy like I do" again everyone thinks its about me cuz he has no reason to get jealous over his new girl they are in the honeymoon stage

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Block him. Move forward. If you want to be known as the "woman who can't get over her ex" than by all means, continue on with this behavior and monitoring. It seems like you have a lot of people already voicing their opinion about things.


Get some clarity and just block his profile. Why do you care about hidden messages about you when the relationship is over? One day you will regret the time you are wasting worrying about ridiculous stuff like this. It is over, find your new life and your true bliss. Good luck.

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That aren't all about her just a couple but a lot of weird random posts a lot of them ... like the things you can share. Just weird how much he is on fb if he's living with this girl you would think that's where his time would be ... I go on fb when I'm bored

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You need to stop speculating about what he is or isn't doing, stop looking backwards/over your shoulder, and stop making him such a huge focus of your life.


Block him by as many means as you can - except where necessary to make arrangements around the children - and look at your own life. Are there people you haven't seen for a while, and would like to get in touch with? Are there friends you've neglected, or people you'd like to get to know better? Are there interests you haven't pursued because you were so focused on him? What would make your world a better place?


Really concentrate on improving your own life, and living well without him - and whether or not he's putting stuff about you on Facebook will become completely irrelevant, I promise you!

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That aren't all about her just a couple but a lot of weird random posts a lot of them ... like the things you can share. Just weird how much he is on fb if he's living with this girl you would think that's where his time would be ... I go on fb when I'm bored


Why do you care why he is on Facebook so much? Sounds like you might be slightly obsessed.

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I agree. You're broken up so why do you even care? It sounds like you're the jealous one and that you're no where near over him or at the stage of indifference. There are simple ways for you to avoid creeping him on facebook. Why not do yourself a favor and partake of them so that you can truly get over him and be open to meeting someone new and better for you?

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I just blocked my ex on sat because I looked on her facebook page even though we aren't friends anymore and saw her cover picture was her hugging the new guy with rocks arranged saying 'LOVE' worst feeling in the world and set me back 4 months. I am going through so much pain at the moment, false hope kept me going for so long thinking it was a rebound but after 4 months it doesn't seem like it is anymore. Do yourself a favour and block and remove all reminders of them, the honeymoon period can last a very long time mine and my ex's lasted over 1 and a half years.

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