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Joining the party...now MY ex broke NC last night. Very bizarre.

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I guess its "break NC" season for exs now, judging from the first page of this forum lol


so if anyone knows nothing of my story, heres the thread where I explained the BU



so....last night im in bed watching a movie. All a sudden, around 2am, after 47 days NC, my ex texts me and she says "Hey. What are you doing? Did I just see you at Wal Mart??". A myriad of emotions came over me, and I wrote a very lengthy, very vitriolic text but I decided not to send it. I just ignored her. I thought maybe she meant to text someone else and sent it to me by accident.


30 minutes later, she sends ANOTHER text....saying "hello....". Im like, uhhh, I didnt answer you the first time. Why would you send another? Plus its 2 goddamn 30am. Take your ass to bed woman. I ignore that one too


30 minutes later, she CALLS ME. I didnt pick up. She then calls ONE MINUTE LATER AGAIN, from a PRIVATE NUMBER! I couldnt believe it! Im thinking, wow. She wants attention badly. But nope. I ignored both calls. Go call your married man, dummy.


30 minutes later...again....(its 3:30am if youre keeping score) I get ANOTHER text. But this time its not from her. Its from her (admittedly) very hot half black/half Asian friend. It was a very crass text which read, I thought this was very childish. And weird. Id spoken to this girl maybe twice last year, and here she is insulting me because I wont respond to my ex? ***. I ignore that and go to bed.


At least I tried to, anyway. Because at 4:30am, my ex CALLS AGAIN. At this point Id had enough and shut off my phone. Woke up this morning and nothing else was on my phone, so I guess she got the hint.


so....what do yall think? Why did she basically go insane on the calling/texting last night? I have several theories but would like to hear you guys' opinions. Thanks for reading.

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I have no idea what to make of your exes behaviour. I can understand why her friend did that....she felt you were being rude to your ex, your ex was likely upset, and seeing her friend upset, she decided to send you an insulting text. Girlfriends can often be misleading in their loyalty to each other.


I am impressed by your resolve to not reply.

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Personally I think both your ex and her friend were out drinking, maybe her married guy dumped her, then they got the idea to call you for an ego boost OR they got themselves stranded somewhere and hoped you'd be available to come rescue them. When you didn't respond they got upset and childish. Continue to ignore, because seriously that has got to be right up there on the list of "how not to ever get your ex back." Stay NC.

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I am impressed by your resolve to not reply.


believe me friend..... I wanted so badly to respond to her. but not with a friendly nice guy text message. I had a demoralizing diatribe written out for her, but I decided against sending it.


My silence is punishment enough.

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drunken texting. No need to say more.


Personally I think both your ex and her friend were out drinking, maybe her married guy dumped her, then they got the idea to call you for an ego boost OR they got themselves stranded somewhere and hoped you'd be available to come rescue them. When you didn't respond they got upset and childish. Continue to ignore, because seriously that has got to be right up there on the list of "how not to ever get your ex back." Stay NC.


I definitely think they were indeed drinking. And yep, I think her married man in CT broke it off with her. Or shes having serious doubts about him.


I told her in January, if you cross this bridge theres no turning back. I still have the text where she told me, explicitly, that she is happy with him and who she sleeps with is none of my concern.

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Well....speak of the she-devil.


She just called me again from a private number. I ignored it.

She texts me 5 minutes later saying, "omggg so sorry Mike! Last night I was drunk!"


then why did you just call me from a private number? Go away, you goddamn psycho.

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Well....speak of the she-devil.


She just called me again from a private number. I ignored it.

She texts me 5 minutes later saying, "omggg so sorry Mike! Last night I was drunk!"


then why did you just call me from a private number? Go away, you goddamn psycho.


There she explained it for you, so no need to talk to her. She's calling from a private number because she can't accept rejection forgetting that she rejected you and expected you to accept it.


Good job ignoring her.

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Good for you!!!! Ignoring her was the best thing you could have done. If you had responded, who knows what drama you would have been sucked into. Not only is she probably feeling completely humiliated today (not necessarily something to be glad about, but perhaps it will deter her from contacting you again), but you showed her that you are moving on with your life.


I can honestly say I probably wouldn't have been as strong as you. But since my ex has made absolutely NO CONTACT with me since he dumped me, he has made it pretty easy for me to not have to find out how I would react. But I applaud your strength and self preservation, you are well on your way to healing

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Well....speak of the she-devil.


She just called me again from a private number. I ignored it.

She texts me 5 minutes later saying, "omggg so sorry Mike! Last night I was drunk!"


then why did you just call me from a private number? Go away, you goddamn psycho.


You really don't want to get beck together with her, do you.


If I were you, I would tell her, "Apology accepted. Get help."

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I would love nothing more than to be with her. Dont get me wrong.


but she hurt me in a way that I could never look at her through my old loving eyes the same way again.


its not a matter of pride, either. Its about respecting myself and preserving my dignity. The way she left me...Ill never forget how indifferent and cold she was towards me. It hurt like hell. This is the proverbial bed she made, now its time for her to lay in it.

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I would love nothing more than to be with her. Dont get me wrong.


but she hurt me in a way that I could never look at her through my old loving eyes the same way again.


its not a matter of pride, either. Its about respecting myself and preserving my dignity. The way she left me...Ill never forget how indifferent and cold she was towards me. It hurt like hell. This is the proverbial bed she made, now its time for her to lay in it.


Sounds familiar.

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Wow. She sounds like she has a serious problem. Or she is very desperate and lonely and wants to load it on you! You made the right choice not texting her.


I know you want her back, but honestly she doesn't healthy at all... Good for you for not responding and staying calm.

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After 47 days she decides she needs an ego boost...IMMEDIATELY.

You don't engage...ego shattered...frantic behavior ensues.



Does she think you are a puppet whose strings she can yank around?


Hats off for keeping your distance and NOT engaging her. Well done!

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I hate when dumpers that do this chit!

This chit = dump you and go on happily with their life until something doesn't go their way so they decide to attempt to disrupt any peace you're finally feeling without them. And why? they are in need of an ego boost, usually. Selfish mofo's.

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After 47 days she decides she needs an ego boost...IMMEDIATELY.

You don't engage...ego shattered...frantic behavior ensues.




She just called me again from a private number....shes starting to worry me. I hope she doesnt show up unannounced at my place.

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