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Do most people lie about how many partners they had?


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My gf asked me how many girls I have dated and been with and I told her. She then told me she slept with 15 guys. Anyway, It didn't bother me...


Then, yesterday, she told me she did not like that I had a lot of gfs in the past. I asked her how many boyfriends she had, she told me 8, and then I quickly pointed out that that leaves like 7 guys she slept with who were not her boyfriend, so she should not judge me if she does not have a perfect past as well...


She then said 15 was a lie and she only slept with 8 other guys. Do you think this is true? I told her the truth, so I would expect the same. And who lies and says they slept with almost double the amount of guys, anyway?

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I would imagine a good bit of people lie about their sexual past because of the connotations that come with it, especially so in the beginning. I feel the only thing one should know is their sexual health but if they should ask, yeah be honest.

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i did not lie about my past partners, but i did not tell her how many,, not the exact number because at that moment i did not remember, and i did not want to sit and try to remember and count.. but it seems like it bother women, the same happened with my girlfriend ( wife now) and when ever i suggested going somewhere she would say, did you take one of your B***s here.. lol sometimes i couldn`t do anything but shake my head and laugh. i often tell her you are my wife so things are different. i may think women would lie more than men, they may be afraid to be judged or called names, for men its some sort of glory and big achievement,,often when you hear a guy talking about how many girls he had, we sorta go wow,, you were the s****t.. when a girl mentions she had a lot of boyfriends,, etc we say what a B*****.

but this sort of questions should not be asked over and over again.

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I refuse to answer this Q all that counts is am I sexually healthy..




Don't we commonly say "Guys pretends to have slept with more women than they actually did" ? At least with their friends.


While women won't admitt too much sexual partners ? I think that was a "sex and the city" old line.


Maybe it's true, so I find odd your girlfriend pretends to have slept with more guys than she ever did.


I don't really care, unless it's 350 and the woman is 30, then I might be grossed out.

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My gf asked me how many girls I have dated and been with and I told her. She then told me she slept with 15 guys. Anyway, It didn't bother me...


Then, yesterday, she told me she did not like that I had a lot of gfs in the past. I asked her how many boyfriends she had, she told me 8, and then I quickly pointed out that that leaves like 7 guys she slept with who were not her boyfriend, so she should not judge me if she does not have a perfect past as well...


She then said 15 was a lie and she only slept with 8 other guys. Do you think this is true? I told her the truth, so I would expect the same. And who lies and says they slept with almost double the amount of guys, anyway?


Your girlfriend sounds very very insecure. By the time you have gotten to sex with 8 guys you have been around the block enough times. She has no right to be judgmental when she herself is not lillywhite. Sex is sex is sex..the sex she had with 8 guys or 15 guys is pretty much the same as the sex you had with your partners. Her orgasm with you follows the same course as with the 8 guys or 15 guys she had sex with..the words, the body motions, the groans, the eye closing, the aftermath...it is all about instinct and doesn't really change. So there is nothing different about the sex she had with guy number 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 etc except for the degree of emotional connection and perhaps a position or two and the location.

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I think she was telling the truth when she said she slept with 15 guys. She probably didn't like hearing that you had so many girlfriends, and she thought about it for a while and thought "If I don't like that he had so many boyfriends, he probably wouldn't like that I had so many boyfriends. I'm kind of embarrassed, so I'll tell him I was lying"


To be honest, I always lie about how many guys I've slept with. I have slept with 3 guys. The 2 most recent ones, I told I was a virgin.

(To be fair, I had only had sex maybe 3 or 4 times with each guy, so I was still fairly new. But technically not a virgin)

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lol yea, I get told that all the time..."I hope you didn't bring one of those *****s here!" and I usually just start laughing. Ill just assume she wanted to make me look like the bad guy once I came up with a good comeback...


But you are right though, guys are treated different than girls with this. Im not saying this is right...But, my friend made a funny comment once...


"Everyone likes a key that can open many locks. But nobody wants a lock that can be opened by many keys" lol

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If someone asks me, I don't really give them an answer. I might lie or I might not depending on how demanding the person asking is. With my husband, we talked in general circles. He has an idea how many, as I do with him, but the actual numbers haven't been discussed.


It's only important as it pertains to testing for STIs.

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I think your girlfriend really slept with 15 guys and the 8 number is a high. She downgraded it so she could give you crap about your past.


I have slept with a grand total of 3 people (including current boyfriend). I'm fine with telling my number to anyone I sleep with because I don't sleep with someone unless I"m in a relationship.

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Agreed I think the "only 8" is a lie. I mean come on, a girl would never lie to *increase* her number from 8 to 15, that's ridiculous. I'm sure she's had 8 boyfriends and and 7 one night stands/FWBs.

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I just say "More than two and fewer than 10."


But I agree that being clean and healthy is more important. I don't think I'd want to know how many men my future wife had slept with so long as she didn't gangbang the entire Welsh rugby team (bastards).

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There is negative connotations with having a high number of parties as it infers you can't keep a partner or you view sex as not something between two people in a relationship.


I always tell the truth, I guess if someone did tell me they had slept with 60 people it might bother me.

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I think it's probably 15 men.


I don't see why you'd give a bigger number.


I know it's stereotypical but I know some guys have said they've slept with more women than they actually have because it makes them look better in the eyes of peers etc. This isn't ALL men obviously.


Whereas women are usually expected to not have slept with as many men. So why would you increase your number then decrease it? Doesn't add up. At all.


I apologise for stereotyping. not everyone is the same. Each individual is unique. But this is what I tend to see in my every day life.

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I think you have deeper problems than how many you slept with. Your gf sounds very insecure and controlling and I would strongly suspect she is not telling the truth. Why stay with someone like that?


Essentially she is also finding a way to criticize you, so she is simply "not into you". You can't change your history- you can only change your behavior now. I would strongly consider walking away...

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