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Is it worth staying in this relationship?


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I am a freshman in college and my partner is almost a senior in highschool. We love eachother very much and have been together for about a year and a half.


To keep it short, there is a possibility that she may move out of state in a year and a half. Even if she does not move, there is a good possibility that she will attend a college that is a decent amount of distance away from where I am living.


I love her and I really do want to be with her, but is it worth being in a relationship where you know that your partner will probably move away in less than 2 years? I dont know how I am supposed to stay positive and happy in the relationship when in the back of my head im thinking about the day she has to leave and "us" comes to an end.


This thought has been confusing and depressing me lately, what should I do?

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I read your first sentence of your post, "I am a freshman in college and my partner is almost a senior in highschool. We love eachother very much and have been together for about a year and a half. " Now if you both love each other very much and have been together for a year and a half, WHY WOULDN'T IT BE WORTH STAYING IN THE RELATIONSHIP? Yes, distance will be a factor but as long as the two of you work on seeing each other, there is no reason why the relationship would have to come to an end because of this.

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Live each day as it comes. Why stop something good prematurely for fear of it falling apart somewhere along the road? That's not to say it even will! Plenty of LDRs are successful - it just requires patience, faith and commitment. Better to try and know than give up (unnecessarily, in my eyes) and be left wondering.

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