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Wanna be in her life


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I dont know whether you have dealt with people in my situation or not.


I am 24 and my girlfriend is 27. I have a normal job and so does she. We both are from India, but different states, different languages and different castes. She loves her dad and she doesn't have mom. Her dad's health is not so good. He is searching a guy for her. I have spoken to him. He is not okay with me. I found that he is not interested in me as language, caste and age comes as a barrier. As i have gauged him, he thinks am not the guy who he has selected, but his daughter. My girl has given up on me telling that she doesn't want to go against her dad. Its been 3 weeks. I dont know whether it is possible to get her back. We talk once in 2 or 3 days. She says that she doesnt wanna talk to me and go far away from me.


I want her very badly. I dont know what she is feeling. Sometimes i think that if she wants me the same way i want she would have come to me. A lot of crazy stuffs going on. But am not telling her anything nowadays. Just maintaining a formal relationship.


Need your advice

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Josh . At 27, Your GF seems pretty mature to understand what she wants from her relationship . It seems that she is indirectly telling you to break up . I myself am going through a similar stage . Some the EX does not say clearly that they want to break up. They only show by their Actions. My advise is - pls get some self-respect & stop talking to her (unless really required). Start making other freinds, go out for movies alone, dont inform her about your day-day activities. If her love is true, she will forcible get back to you . If not, then I am sure a great guy like you will find another girl . But never compromise on your self-respect

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