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Ex added me back on Facebook.

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I haven't been on here in ages, I don't know if any of the originals remember me from like 2 years ago. I doubt any of those people are still on this site. Anyways, my ex just recently added me back to Facebook. I'm kind of wondering why... We have since made up, I've seen her in person since and we talked briefly, I said I was sorry for all my bull**** back in the day, gave her a hug and went on my way. We had a very nasty breakup, because I didn't take it to well at all, and hurtful things were said by both sides.


I know we're on good terms now, but still kind of wondering why she'd add me. I looked at her page and she's in a relationship right now, and that's what kind of threw me off. It's been something like 2.5 years since we broke up. I get that she's probably just adding me to be friendly, but isn't it kind of weird to add an ex to Facebook when you're currently with someone?


If I was going out with someone, I don't think I'd like the girl I'm going out with, re adding her old ex boyfriend haha.

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I remember you. She added you because you are on good terms and probably feels it is safe for you to be friends now, not because she wanted to get you back or is trying to imply romantic feelings. You are reading too much into it geno. For some people, it's not a big deal to add an ex as a friend on facebook, especially after quite some time has passed.

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I think it is odd that she added you while being with someone else. It implies she is thinking about you. Maybe not romantically but she is thinking about you. Either way if I was her bf I would not like it. She was ok with not being your friend for 2.5 years but now what has changed? You two aren't even friends. I think it all depends on how old you are too. If she is young, then I would say it makes it more weird. French Fries points out a very mature stance... I would not, however, assume that she wants to get back with you. She may just want to rub her relationship in your face or be able to check up on you.

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as Frenchfries has said, don't read into it. You might have popped up on her news feed as a "people you might know" sort of thing. I have 3 of my ex's from years ago as FB friends, didn't mean anything when they added me and lots of people have FB friends they haven't even met. It is only facebook after all

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She may just want to rub her relationship in your face or be able to check up on you.


It's far more likely that this is the case. If its true....Look out for over-flirting/lovey stuff with him, over-sickly inspirational quotes about the future and how wonderful it will be, and more importantly- using triggers to bring back memories of you as a couple as well as the odd dig at the past (you). If she does all these, then her intentions to be friends is not genuine.

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My ex did something similar to yours. I'm wondering what it means too. When we broke up, 3 months ago, she told me she was deleting her Facebook because it's stupid. I later found out she just blocked me on Facebook because she was getting into a relationship with the guy she left me for. I'm still friends with her sister on Facebook, so I can see her baby. At the time, he was going to be my nephew. I noticed on Thursday comments from my ex appearing on the pictures of the baby. Before, I knew if she commented on something because it would say comments but wouldn't show them too me. To my knowledge, she is still with this guy she left me for but I'm wondering why she unblocked me. He probably wouldn't like that. My guess is to be friendly or to check up on me because that same sister did see me with a girl last Sunday. Ex's are confusing sometimes.

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Well the thing is, she is a pretty mature girl, I always liked that about her. She would never do anything to make me feel jealous, or cross boundaries when we were dating. She did a really good job of making me trust her around other guys. So, seeing something like this just confuses me, because it kind of seems out of her character to add me, when shes dating someone. Stuff kind of did change LovesMusic... I felt extremely bad for being a bad boyfriend to her, I owed her money and had some of her stuff at my house she asked for ages ago, but I denied her of because I was immature.


I basically sent her an email apologizing, and saying she was a very good girlfriend, and I'm sorry I took her for granted. I also said that I sent the money, and her stuff she wanted to her house address, so expect it. She sent me a short email back, thanking me.


I saw her recently and that's when we talked, she thanked me for sending her stuff to her again in person.


Then a couple months later, I get an facebook message saying, thanks for the money... she didn't even see it the first time. She thought I had just sent her possessions back. Which is kind of weird, because I mentioned in the email that I was sending both the money, and her possessions. Maybe the money part just got overlooked by accident? who knows. Then a couple more months and she adds me to facebook.


It feels good to know that she doesn't hate me anymore, as I thought she did for the longest time. I'm honestly surprised she added me to Facebook. I was majorly depressed back in the day, and did everything I shouldn't to scare a girl away forever when we broke up haha.


I know better, I'm not looking into this as anything other than being friendly, so I'm good It does kind of suck that I think I'll always have feelings for this girl, I was so in love with her haha. But those feelings have matured into something better, that can be happy for her, and wish her tons of happiness in her new relationship.

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Hey Geno! long time no talk my friend! I think she must have a good heart and feel that it is safe to add you as a friend. She probobly assumes you are beyond the hurt and have moved on as she has. I think it would bring her some level of peace to have you as a friend on fb. Kinda like closure for her in a good way. She can then say, ok, he is my ex but everything is cool now and my self harmony is in tact.


If you are not ready then don't accept. Only you know. However, I do think the request is all about her.

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If she's not your friend, then she might be a people collector. Nothing says I'm popular like having hundreds and thousands of Facebook friends. That's a cynical answer, yes. But I can't conceive why anyone would add an ex. On good terms or not. They are exes, not friends. That fact doesn't preclude being friendly.

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