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i go hard EVERYTIME we kiss...HELP!


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everytime i kiss my gf, i go hard, i know this is normal at first, but we've been together for about 5 months now/and it happens EVERYTIME, will it stop? is there any way of preventing it? coz its REALLY embaressing.

PLZ help.


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Hey Ricci,

It's completely normal for this to happen. Hopefully, your girlfriend is mature enough to be understanding and not make a big deal out of it. Assuming that you're in your teens, it's just a natural response to the obvious physical/psychological/emotional stimulus, combined with the teenager hormones.

Of course, there's always duct tape!

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Duct tape?? Ouch!!!! *grins*



Hi Ricci,


First of all welcome to eNotalone.com and thank you for coming to us for seeking advice. I am pleased to hear that you're getting along with your g/f so well. I understand that you feel somewhat uncomfortable while kissing your g/f.


My suggestion is: relax! I wouldn't worry too much over it and I personally believe that your g/f should be happy over things, too. Just looks like that she really turns you on. What better compliment could a woman get???


Good luck in your relationship!


~ SwingFox ~

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  • 2 weeks later...

If you go with tape go with gaf (gaffers) tape!

What does you girlfriend think of it? Does she notice? Is it a turn on or off for her? As her about it OR try making sure she notices and watch her reactions... I bet she likes it. Hey she turns you on alest she knows she you really like her and really want to be with her. I don't think it is that big of deal...

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  • 1 month later...


Being a girl...I know what her reaction might possibly be if she's cool with you getting hard when yall kiss. She'll prolly think it's funny at first, or atleast i did. My boyfriend of 2 years now got hard one time while wearing a swim suit after we had only been together for about 2 weeks and b/c he was wearing a swim suit there really wasn't any way he could hide it. But I just laughed it off and let him know that i was perfectly ok with it and i was happy to know that atleast i knew he liked me! Also another thought that came to my mide was "hey atleast he's hung" HAHA! so I hope that ur girlfriend will be understanding and like the other people said- if she's mature enough she really wont think much of it and at most just think it's a lil funny!

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What's weird is, me and my gf were talking about this just the other day. We've been going out for 7 months now, and I've gotten hard every time we kiss. She's noticed this a few times, and said something like "as weird as it might sound that's flattering and kind of a turn-on." Many people get turned-on when they know that they turn *you* on. And yes, it's happened to me at the pool, too. Oh well.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think it'd be a compliment to a girl, don't be ashamed of it, nothing you can do to stop it, it's nature.


As for me, I don't have to worry about that problem considering I always wear baggy clothes.

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  • 1 month later...

Hey man well first off congrats on finding a girl ya care for and second don't sweat the erection problem cause i used to do that for about he first week i was dating my girlfriend and she found it such a turn on ....i know it seems strange but i got more kisses that week so jsut don't sweat it and try to look on the positive side of it best of luck



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  • 3 months later...
  • 5 weeks later...

my boyfriend went hard everytime we made out in the beginning of our relationship too. But after a couple of months he was totally cool. I think when you start to move to different things.. that when you kiss again.. it wont seem like as good as it use to because you are use to doing bigger and better things lol. so it wont be as hard as you are use to. or maybe you could just jack off a lot lol.. thats just my suggestion

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  • 3 months later...

I had the same problem with my current and first real gf (5 months now) and I figured it would happen, so I was prepared for it. The first time it happened, I told her before she could realize on her own, and said that I can't help that I love her and she turns me on! Sometimes it happens still even now, but ususally when we're against a wall making out or something, and she generally likes to grind against my jeans when it happens. So eventually it'll become a good thing. Also, if it ever happens and you don't exactly need / want it to, pull your pants down a bit, loose on your hips, and hopefully you're long enough to tuck it into the waist of your pants. I'm 15 yrs old and 7 1/2'' long..so this works out pretty well, cuz it's hard to hide otherwise.

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My boy still gets hard when we kiss, or like, if we're just laying on the couch together, and we've been going out for almost a year... not much yu can really do about it... as long as it doesnt really bother her i wouldnt worry to much

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Just tip up her chin gently with your hand and give her a simple kiss on the lips-- No tongue, no open mouth, just go simple. A nice romantic environment helps to-- nothing to heart-pounding, take-a-risk, feeling-hot-- just cool and sweet.

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