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Dont know what to do :( please help


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Hi ive been together with my girlfriend now for 3 months and it has been. Bumpy ride up until recently where i learned to be myself around her without upsetting her without meaning to, befre our relationship she was groomed november before last when she was 14, the groomer was tracked by police an got in contac with her and she had to identify, then she had an abusive partner for 9 months, who blamed her for getting groomed, now im with her and she is very insecure and gets upset by the slightest things but she is so lovely, shes gorgeous and ive introduced her to my family an we have been talking before for around 2 years online. Last night after she read my emails i decided to check her inbox and to my surprise i found her sisters boyfriend 23 inboxing her just before we met askin for her to suck his .... She agreed and they later had intercourse, sh admitted to this straight away saying this happened with him 4 times but once after we first met, so as i took the train home before i returned afte two weeks they did it again nd she regretted it, i have taken this well as shes been so upfront but had no sleep. She says he was telling her what ahe wates to hear and she was feeling depressed with family problems but i see it like i was thinking about her every minute while i was away from her and she did that.. Its horrible for me because i really love he id never hurt her but im just seeking some advice, im 17 an she was 16 a few days ago. Things that also bug me are the fact she wanted to ait in the front of the car with him when we needed a lift, (before i knew) theres no evidence of her talking to him like this since she said but she is usually honest with me, she said it happened 4 times in our relationship when she first blurted it out crying and now shes saying it was once but its believable, also weve been living together at her parents for 2 weeks now as her parents like me and we got along so well, its been fine up until now ive had no sleep imagining them together, the things she said back clearly tell me that she wanted it to happen, but on the other hand she was downwith problems and he offered her this telling her shes better than her sister she gorgeous ans then tht happening, makes me feel physically sick and im so so upset

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But she said she was groomed, h has been saying things to make her feel good while shes low, its believable as when im around at her sisters hes always picking on her calling her feet or an imperfection having a laugh with her sister but hes done this and now ive found out

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Don't put up with that treatment from her. She's not worthy of your love. You're making excuses for her, but really you know her behaviour is not acceptable. Don't be in denial about what she's really like. Be strong and walk away from her. Find someone who'll be loyal to you. You're too young to settle for all that rubbish. Doesn't matter how lovely she is. Her behaviour is not lovely. Leave and find someone better, and don't get sucked into hanging around as her friend, either, is my suggestion.

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cut her off dude, most girls at her age want to get around and experince this kinda freaky sh#$. i would say go for an older chick but again u still young,i might iv,e been harsh but dont settle for less. nc wat so ever. good luck

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I agree with all the other posters. Its time to say goodbye and find someone you can trust, and who doesnt do these things. I know you feel that the grooming has a lot to do with her behaviour but dont stay because of that -you will be cheating yourself out of a happy life. Move on now ok.

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