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Steak day...what does this comment mean?


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Ok, so I decided to write something a little funny on face book since for some, today is a holiday for guys (Steak and BJ day) lol


I wrote, "Looking forward to a nice steak dinner "


One girl wrote, "And we all know what that means today


But another girl liked my comment and then wrote, "OHHH! Snap!"


What do you think the last comment that she wrote means?

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I don't understand this "steak and you-know-what" day thing. This is the second post I've seen about it. Can someone explain? Keep it clean, though. I don't want to get in trouble on here!


I feel really old and out-of-the-loop not getting this "holiday." I understand what steaks are, and I know what the other thing is I'm just not sure what the whole holiday thing is about -- I know it's a joke, but how did it come about.


Yeah. I'm REALLY old. *sigh*

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I don't understand this "steak and you-know-what" day thing. This is the second post I've seen about it. Can someone explain? Keep it clean, though. I don't want to get in trouble on here!


I feel really old and out-of-the-loop not getting this "holiday." I understand what steaks are, and I know what the other thing is I'm just not sure what the whole holiday thing is about -- I know it's a joke, but how did it come about.


Yeah. I'm REALLY old. *sigh*


The idea behind it is that Valentine's Day is usually a saccharine, female-centred day because guys are expected to do stuff for women on that day (flowers, chocolates, cards).


Steak and BJ day is when women treat the men instead of the other way around.


I'm going to do something for my boyfriend tonight. I had work last night so I'm doing it tonight. I've always done steak/BJ day.

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