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Random bouts of dizziness


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The past few days, I've been having random bouts of dizziness and feeling off balance. I don't feel nauseous but I have nearly toppled over. The room has spun once or twice also. It's mostly happening after I eat but lasts for hours. It's like I feel drunk (but I don't drink). I work for an audiologist and ENT doctor and I've consulted them. We were thinking slight vertigo but no nausea and no changes in my hearing. The audiologists suspect its the form of vertigo known as BPPV, and the ENT agrees that it could be it. However he thinks it could be diet related, as I was on a salt kick last week with lots of fast food but stopped (bc it made me feel awful and I don't typically like a lot f salty foods or ones high in sodium). I also had my first period in 2 months last week. Anyway, what's going on with me? The ENT thinks I may need to go to a neurologist and will refer me but he wants to look over my hearing test and such first (everything has been done in passing so far). I'm also having quick bursts of tinnitus in my left ear, which also alarms him enough tocall for a hearing test.


Any advice?

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I recently had that happen to me too and it turns out my blood pressure was extremely low. Mostly it has been normal, but some months ago I had a high reading, and then suddenly very very low. I have no idea what that's all about. Have you had your blood pressure tested?

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I ended up going home from work early today so I didn't get to talk to the ENT after my hearing test, which was consistent with the test I had a few weeks ago to give our student practice. So I talkedto the doctor just in passing and don't know what he'll call for next.

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