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What up people. I'll keep this short cause sometimes people can draw these things out. I worked with a girl for 8 months, we both got along, joked around, and became friends who flirted from time to time (nothing serious.) Real cool girl, my type completely; funny, great sense of humor, real smart, very driven, and beautiful.

Anyway, she got offered and took a job in a city about 6 hours away. We and all our mutual friends celebrated and congratulated her on the job. We all met up at a set date to have dinner and say goodbye which we did. But she wasn't moving for another week so me her and a mutual friend decided one last meet up for some drinks. All 3 of us had dinner and drinks and talked for hours and then said our goodbyes. After I get home I get a message from her about how she had a great time and... (Real quick, I'm trying to condense a lot of this so I don't write forever and make you guys read all that crap) but in essence we flirted and us liking each other came up but since she's moving and starting a new job and living so far away and I'm gonna be back in school finishing my degree that it just wasn't attractive to either one of us.

I apologize for rambling more then I ment to but here's my point/question: it's been about 2 weeks since she's left and I'm realizing that I may have liked her more then I thought. Should I purse this a little more? I'm not saying ask her out and do a long distance thing, but maybe just keep that lil spark alive? Or just let it die? I just don't want to F up what we already have, weather it be friends or something more.

All opinions welcomed. Thanks


*Side note: she did get out of a bad breakeup in December with an ex she dated for over a year...I think over a year. effected her no doubt but she doesn't show it. Still... probably affects how she acts towards me

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I am the type of guy who hates to live with regrets. If for a second I thought I should pursue a girl, I would do everything I could to pursue her.


Sure distance sucks, sure it's harder than another woman might be. But in the end, it could end up being worth it. It almost always is, distance makes the heart grow fonder.


I would ask yourself how serious you are about pursuing her, if all you can do is think about her I think you should do what your heart is clearly telling you to do.


Good luck

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