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My husband wanted me to be moved back in yesterday. He kept telling my daughter that I would be moved back in. Last night I ended up at the hospital and he kept calling the hospital (I drove my ownself) then asking me why I was gone for 2 hours before I went to the hospital, etc. By the time I got back to the house we have with him it was late and I still needed to get more stuff. Only reason why I was moving back in was because of my daughter. I have no love for him and he keeps refusing to let my daughter stay with me because of the fact I am with another man now. Husband and I have been separated for 10 months. I went back to my other place as I was getting so ticked off and I just wanted to get away because of him and to prevent an argument. This morning the police was at the door and had him bringing my stuff back. Basically he kicked me out of the house we both own and kept my daughter out of school and telling me I am not an unfit mom and I have hurt my daughter (9 years old) and now she don't want to talk to me. Yesterday I went over there and took some of my stuff over and he started arguing and yelling at me. I do have texts of him asking me where I am at as well as the voice memo of when he was yelling at me and also voice mails of him saying I am unfit. I am upset that my daughter don't want to talk to me. I got an appointment with the attorney Monday morning for child custody and divorce but I am wondering, should I give in and move back in for the sake of my daughter or fight it. I have been married to him since 2005 and been together since 2002. He has told me that if I move back in that I have to allow him to see who I text. I can only text and talk to certain people, etc. I know what I did (moved in with another man) was wrong. I should have divorced but I wasn't happy in my marriage on the count of all the B.S. from the husband. I just want my daughter with me. I love her so much. I don't have any family around to turn to for help and really would like to know what you all think.

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Sapphire - read her other thread. She left him, moved in to another abusive man's home, and is now moving back to the husband who appears to be very controlling and abusive too. I'm guessing there is even more to this story than can be imagined. If she were smart she would find a place of her own and pursue legal custody arrangements

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I've seen the other post and I understand it for the most part I just am asking about the police being involved and why he had her stuff taken back to her and how he's 'kicked her out' if he now want's her to move back in. That part is a little confusing.


Edit: Anyway. Regardless of that I don't suggest moving back in with your husband as you do not want to be with him and it would make you unhappy. Get in contact with a lawyer, sort out custody and your divorce and try and move on as best you can.

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You'll never win a child custody case by moving in with another man while you're still married. I would hang in there, and be very careful not to hang myself (so to speak) before getting the advice of an attorney.


That too. Call a lawyer and find it what you need to do to get custody of your daughter.

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Sorry I don't know your whole story. You're posting about issues with this man that seem trivial. Your ONLY concern now should be your daughter. Not to sound harsh and sorry if this does, but it is BEYOND me how you could leave her in the first place and move in with another man.

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Sapphire - read her other thread. She left him, moved in to another abusive man's home, and is now moving back to the husband who appears to be very controlling and abusive too. I'm guessing there is even more to this story than can be imagined. If she were smart she would find a place of her own and pursue legal custody arrangements


I agree with this. OP, put your daughter first and stop pursuing relationships with these men. What you are doing could really damage her.

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