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Girlfriend discovered cheating.

Erik Terzich

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Telling us your age, how long you have been together, if she cheated you once or has been doing that repeatedly, all this information would be a great help.


But a spontaneous reply is : find your friend, punch him in the face until he passes out, then find your gf spit on her face, throw her a euro / dollar tell her thats what she is worth, light up a cigarette and walk out.


Trying to talk with her or him over this will drive you crazy, she will try to put guilt on you for checking her messages, he will say im sorry bro, I dont know why I did it, you know we are mates and stuff. So get out of the situation as quickly as possible.

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You don't Erik.


You've lost your girlfriend and your best friend and there is nothing you can that won't make matters worse for you.


What's the point of confronting her? What will you achieve?


I know your brain thinks there is something to be salvaged, but there isn't - nothing beside your self-respect.


You need to get away from both of them as quickly as possible. And it's going to get worse before it gets better because they're going to be together while you'll be dealing with the cheating. But you need to accept it and walk away.


Seriously this is the best advice you're going to get. Anything else you do, you will eventually regret.

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You don't Erik.


You've lost your girlfriend and your best friend and there is nothing you can that won't make matters worse for you.


What's the point of confronting her? What will you achieve?


I know your brain thinks there is something to be salvaged, but there isn't - nothing beside your self-respect.


You need to get away from both of them as quickly as possible. And it's going to get worse before it gets better because they're going to be together while you'll be dealing with the cheating. But you need to accept it and walk away.


Seriously this is the best advice you're going to get. Anything else you do, you will eventually regret.


Agree 100%. Trust is no longer there, and without trust..well it's difficult to maintain any relationship.

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In hindsight you should have taken a screenshot of their messages, disappeared, then mailed it to them.


Reminds me of something I read a few years ago. A man and woman were getting married, he found out that she was sleeping with his best friend, he had photographic evidence and presented it at the wedding. LOL I bet that was one wedding no one would soon forget.

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How do I confront this, My girlfriend left her facebook open and I had the great idea to open her messages. Discovered she is cheating on me with my best friend. What do I do how do I confront this?


No matter how you approach this, they'll attempt to weasel their way out by throwing out one lie after another. Either way, the damage is already done, they've made their bed, and it's time to lie in it.

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Dont just disappear, they will have got away with it without any humiliation. Hmm i dont know what i would do.... i think i would want revenge of some sort.


Sorry this has happened to you. i cant begin to imagine what it must feel like

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How do I confront this, My girlfriend left her facebook open and I had the great idea to open her messages. Discovered she is cheating on me with my best friend. What do I do how do I confront this?


not to sound nosy but we need more detail to determine if she is cheating,, what was she saying on facebook to your best friend ( he isn`t your best friend in first place) if you give us more details everybody can probably be able to help you

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Anyone ever here the thing about second chance, didn't give it to her at first and won't give it to him. Yes the damage has been done. But the feelings are stronger in a sense that what she could have lost. Hard to explane but I give second chances. Thanks for the help though. Sorry I didn't listen to anyone though.

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Anyone ever here the thing about second chance, didn't give it to her at first and won't give it to him. Yes the damage has been done. But the feelings are stronger in a sense that what she could have lost. Hard to explane but I give second chances. Thanks for the help though. Sorry I didn't listen to anyone though.

second chances are given to people who want to change and make things better, and have to prove it,, if you think you are ready to give both of them second chance and they worth it, then its all up to you, people here just help shed some light on our misery but the last call is ours,, good luck

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I'm sorry to tell you this, but once a cheat always a cheat.

I gave my Ex husband a second chance, and he did it again.

You will never ever be able to fully trust her again, if she is late, you will be wondering who she is with, if she gets random sms you will be suspicious.

Walk away now & start again.....she isnt worth your time or effort!!!

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