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I'm pressured to travel with a lover, or I won't enjoy my travel experience.


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I'm single, and I often travel alone. When I visit touristy spots on my destination, I feel like I'm under pressure from the travel and tourism industry to travel with a lover, because part of the travel experience is having a positive, romantic, emotional, and unforgetable experience. On the other hand, if you are not well-matched with your lover, then it might be a negative experience, if the two, for example, wanted to do different things on their itinerary. When you are a single man and you travel, and make touristy stops, do you ever feel under pressure to have an attractive girlfriend or wife to enjoy the experience with, and to show the world and other men you are a winner, and not a loner(loser) traveling alone? How about if you are a single woman traveling alone? Do you feel the same pressure from the travel and tourism industry to travel with a lover, or is it different for a single woman?

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When you are a single man and you travel, and make touristy stops, do you ever feel under pressure to have an attractive girlfriend or wife to enjoy the experience with, and to show the world and other men you are a winner, and not a loner(loser) traveling alone?


No, in a word.

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As a single woman sometimes I do feel that way. Not for showing off purposes but to share the experience with someone especially at tourist places targeting the experience for couples. But there are more and more singles traveling alone and more and more tour groups targeting experiences and adventures to this demographic than before so I do see this improving quickly. (If not in your area, a great business idea!) But I know what you mean and I do sense these pressures, especially in traditionally romantic places.

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No I don't feel pressured. I frequently travel on my own.


I do agree with the self confidence issue. I don't think people look at a single man or woman at a romantic spot and wonder "why is he here alone?" I really don't think anyone there cares about your life that much. People are focused on their own trip, memories, wondering if they have enough money to buy that souvenir...

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When I was single and traveling I never really thought about what other people might think of my traveling alone. They are strangers, I hardly think they think about what someone else is doing or that they are traveling alone. They also might not even know whether you're alone or not, your companion could be exploring other parts alone. Don't let it stress or worry you, travel, enjoy the world.

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I travel alone a lot (mostly within the US) and never had people looking at me funny. I have gone overseas to Asia by myself and didn't feel self-conscious. I will be going to London in April and will be traveling alone. I find that it is easier to talk to people when traveling alone, and you meet a lot of like minded people who are also going overseas alone.

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I'm a woman and I started traveling alone after my boyfriend and I broke up. I went to an egyptian resort last year and I actually became a bit of a celebrity with the hotel staff due to my single status. I got free drinks, everyone talked to me, they always mentioned me being alone but in the context of hitting on me. I read my book and drank the drinks and it was just fantastic. On all the excursions I went out to site-see I met other women traveling alone and had a little best friend for the day. It was nice.


In a few months i am going backpacking in Thailand for four months alone, and my mom is worried about my safety. But not about me not having fun.


I've had a lot of boyfriends, and gone on a lot of trips, and its sort of a bummer to look at all your pictures and see exes in them. Therefore I learned a few boyfriends ago to always take solo pictures with the landmarks! haha!


I would *love* to have a life-long travel buddy, but I don't mind traveling alone either, depending on the local. For instance I really want to go to Istanbul, but I'd really prefer to go with another person. A main reason is so they could take pictures of me in front of things! haha! But really, when picking my solo vacations I do have to consider, "will this be fun by myself too? Will I meet other travelers staying at this place doing these activities? Will I enjoy the solo time or will it be frustrating?"


I do think sometimes it makes me look like I don't have any friends to go with, but shoot, and this age I sort of don't! Everyone just started having kids, they're either not going anywhere or going with their husbands.

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