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Unplanned pregnancy and don't know what to do


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But, you need to DISCUSS with the father these things, because it is his child too, and you both did this together. Therefore, it IS the decision of BOTH of you. This is where communication is key because you both have to discuss one anothers wants and needs and figure out where to go from there.


Absolutely. But ultimately the decision to do it (or not) lies with the mother.

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I would have different answers to this based on your age and circumstances.


Since you already have a long term partner you plan to marry and are 33 and have a good career, so i'd say go thru with it because you'll be pushing 34 by the time you have the baby, and fertility declines after 35 not to mention potential complications etc.


And you can't plan when you'll get pregnant again down to the exact month/year etc. If you're lucky you can get pregnant right away, but it is not always easy. So i'd evaluate your risks of potentially not having another baby or more serious complications later. If it were me and I was 33 and had already chosen my partner and had a career, i'd go ahead with it. But if you were 19 or it was a pregnancy related to a one night stand, i'd probably suggest other options because having the baby and keeping it.


I would not abort a baby at 33 unless I was really sure I didn't want one, and also really sure that if i never conceived again I'd be OK with the idea of never having children. If you OK either way, then your decision is easier, but if you really want kids and would be devastated if you aborted now only to discover you couldn't have one (or a healthy baby) later, then you should probably go thru with it now.

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But, you need to DISCUSS with the father these things, because it is his child too, and you both did this together. Therefore, it IS the decision of BOTH of you. This is where communication is key because you both have to discuss one anothers wants and needs and figure out where to go from there.


For once, I agree with you.


If I got pregnant, I'd have an abortion because I don't want a kid. Ever. And I would never be with someone who didn't want me to have an abortion. My boyfriend is behind my choice 100%. It takes two to bake a kid.


The only time I feel the father shouldn't have a say is if he's mentally incapable of if he's abusive or if he raped her.

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