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Need to vent - my heart hurts so bad...WHY CAN'T I JUST GET OVER HIM???

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Why can't I just move on and get over him?


This is sick. It really is.


And, I feel so pathetic.


How much longer is this going to take?


Recently two guys - both whom I met through mutual friends - showed some interest in me but then I felt they faded away and lost interest in me. This set me back even more. I am missing my ex even more now.


I really don't understand why I can't be happy again.


5 steps forward, 10 steps back...that is exactly how I feel.



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What you feel is normal at this point. Time is the killer, you have to clench your fists....

It is hard, but be patient and time will heal...


I like to distract myself with a beach walk, or a walk with my dog...everyone loves him, and it starts conversations! Talk to folks you don't even know, sit and watch the clouds, play a guitar!


Everyone is here, most here have been thru this before and possibly dealing with it too, so post ALOT and read ALOT, it helped me in 2007 to know I could come here to Ena and someone would genuinely listen. Back in 2007, my friends and family soon grew tired of my situation and discussions of it, I was blessed to find Ena, I was never shut down here.....

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Im going to start posting on here a whole lot more and stop boring my friends with my tears and sad face all the time. Its been 2 months since i left our shared home but i only found out this week he was cheating on me and has moved her into our old home- i think thats set me back. Because i hurt right now more than i did the day i packed a bag and left. i want to reach out to him and ask why and beg him to work things out but i know i cant.


The thing that makes it harder is im in a different country to my family and closest friends. i have friends here but my ex was my life for a long time and i feel i have no one now to do things with or make plans with- its horrid. i get asked along to do things with people but i dont want to go- im still at the stage i want to stay home and wallow in misery- is that normal?

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mg22, DOF, and surjon THANK YOU SO MUCH!


I'm having a bad day but glad I have ENA too.


elliefiz - yes, it is normal. I am so sorry to hear about your heartache


It is normal for you to want to sequester yourself, close in, and be alone. It is not healthy to do for a long time but it is normal. He cheated on you. He doesn't deserve you. It's hard, but please keep moving forward and don't ask him back.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I agree with everyone, I'm so glad I found ENA. I spend a good chunk of my day on it, it really helps knowing there's people out there going through the same pain as I. I have learned a lot and I have been reading a lot of other people's posts and posting my opinions as often as possible, to help those in need. My friends probably don't understand why I would such a forum but as long as I am happy, that's all it matters.


To reply to OP, everyone's different, it depends on the relationship and how much you've invested and how it ended to indicate how long it will take. Don't worry your heart is doing its job healing but you have to follow what everyone else's saying on here, that is NC!!! One month might be too soon, don't pressure yourself that day will come.

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too long for me to still be missing him...


over 1 month...


the relationship was short lived but extremely intense...


You don't need to stay busy, you need a plan. What are you doing to focus on yourself, not the relationship or what you lost? Working out? Studying a new language? Taking up a new hobby? Volunteering? Healing doesn't happen by accident. Make a plan.


Good luck!

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The most important thing I have learned from the kind people on ENA is that it takes as long as it takes. Trying to put a deadline on healing just adds more anxiety to an already stressful situation. I'm learning this as I go, 3 months post BU. good luck in your journey.


On a side note, the other thing I have learned, is that if I truly love my partner, I have to let him do what he feels is best for himself at this time. That's true, unconditional love, and that was not an easy lesson to learn.

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I was really hurting a month ago trying to figure out how someone wants out but won't just do it already, enough of the "I'm not sure" zone, just do it, why do they make the one who loved them so freakin much and really tried actually do the walking away??


I think they feel like when we walk away from that crap, it's like we left them or something and they feel less guilt??!!?? Idunno, I don't care anymore....I don't think about her much in a positive way anymore, I lifted her mask, I see whats for real.....


I'm so better now, happy to be out and free again....


peace to all!

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I was really hurting a month ago trying to figure out how someone wants out but won't just do it already, enough of the "I'm not sure" zone, just do it, why do they make the one who loved them so freakin much and really tried actually do the walking away??


I think they feel like when we walk away from that crap, it's like we left them or something and they feel less guilt??!!?? Idunno, I don't care anymore....I don't think about her much in a positive way anymore, I lifted her mask, I see whats for real.....


I'm so better now, happy to be out and free again....


peace to all!


Did she break up with you or is she still stringing you along cra*%? If so can you break up with her instead

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I was really hurting a month ago trying to figure out how someone wants out but won't just do it already, enough of the "I'm not sure" zone, just do it, why do they make the one who loved them so freakin much and really tried actually do the walking away??


I think they feel like when we walk away from that crap, it's like we left them or something and they feel less guilt??!!?? Idunno, I don't care anymore....I don't think about her much in a positive way anymore, I lifted her mask, I see whats for real.....


I'm so better now, happy to be out and free again...


peace to all!



Isn't it amazing how situations can twist around?


I've done this a gazillion times before - even been through a divorce - so I know I can get through this. I hate the frustration though. Of all the emotions one can go though, for me, it is the sheer frustration that I allowed THIS to happen again. And I did, really. I was sooooooo stupid.


Been there, done that, got through it ... been there, done that, got through it ... been there, done that, got through it ... been there, done that, I WILL GET THROUGH IT!!!

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Isn't it amazing how situations can twist around?


I've done this a gazillion times before - even been through a divorce - so I know I can get through this. I hate the frustration though. Of all the emotions one can go though, for me, it is the sheer frustration that I allowed THIS to happen again. And I did, really. I was sooooooo stupid.


Been there, done that, got through it ... been there, done that, got through it ... been there, done that, got through it ... been there, done that, I WILL GET THROUGH IT!!!

Love that last paragraph! Will put that into my diary

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